Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Best Kaltim Bappeda Website
Samarinda, 5/14/12. Gatot Hendrarto, Head of the Data and Information System of the Ministry of Coordinator of the People's Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia recognize that the data and content on the Bappeda website of East Kalimantan through User Bappeda.kaltimbrov.go.id has been very confident and best when compared to Wibsite-Website Bappeda at other provincial levels in Indonesia that he had met.
This was revealed by Gatot Hendrato, Head of Data and Information System of the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia together with Rony Bintoro, S.Kom., M.T.I during a meeting with Bappeda Kaltim in the meeting room of the Head of Bappeda Kaltim, 2nd Floor Jalan Kusuma Bangsa No. . 2 Samarinda, led directly by the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Dr.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MA together with the Head of Statistics and Development Control, Drs.H. Taufik Hemawan and attended by Coconut Participants in the SDA & LH Sub -Division Ir. Ujang Rachmad, M.Sc; Kasubbid People's Welfare, Charmarijaty, ST; Kasubbid Regional Development, Ir. Pamungkas Waluyo Adi, MT; Kasubbid Apparatus, Abdul Sani, SH; Head of Subdivision of Statistics and Data Collection, Rina Juliati, S.Si; Muhammad Hamsani, ST Staff of Statistics & Development Control; Sukandar, S. Sos Staff of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Secretariat.
Discussion of People's Welfare Data, especially for East Kalimantan Province in general, it can be downloaded at Wisebite Bappeda Kaltim all the required data is available, this has made it easier for those who have an interest in the intended data.
Coordination is expected to continue to be improved in increasing the relationship of data collection between central data and data originating from regions through sharing data that is online via the internet so that it can be more easily and efficient. Before the meeting was closed by the Head of Data and Information Section of the Ministry of Public Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia, gave a document about the field of Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia and the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda also provided East Kalimantan documents. (Sukandar, S. Sos/Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim).