46 days of skipping work, civil servants were dismissed
Samarinda, 7/11/12. Civil Servants are required to carry out the task including the head of the work presence, if in one time
This was revealed by the Head of the Employee Legal Position Sub -Division, the Regional Personnel Agency of the Province of East Kalimantan, Zaitun Sriyana, SH as the resource person in the socialization of Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of PNS and PERKA BKN No. 21 of 2010 to all employees and employees of East Kalimantan Bappeda in the Basic Pattern Meeting Room, First Floor of Bappeda Kaltim, Jl, Kusuma Bangsa Samarinda, which was attended by employees and employees of around seventy -five people.
The resource person accompanied by the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si added that respectfully dismissal at his own request or disrespectful dismissal as a civil servant must go through a long process in accordance with the law kuridor, for example from minor, medium and severe reprimands.
Enforcement of Discipline with Light Penalty Not Come To Work For 5 to 15 working days consisting of 5 working days received a sentence of oral reprimand by direct superiors, 6 days to 10 working days receive sanctions for written reprimands, and 11 days to 15 working days get the law of not satisfied.
As for the sanctions for moderate punishment if violating discipline does not come to work for 16 days to 30 working days, with details of 16 days to 20 working days sentenced to postpone periodic salary increases for 1 (one) year; 21 days to 25 working days were sentenced to postponement of promotion for 1 (one) year; and 26 days to 30 working days, it will be sentenced to a lower level of rank for 1 (one) year.
While for sanctions in the form of severe punishment if it violates discipline by not coming to work for 31 days to 46 working days or more, with details of 31 days to 35 working days sentenced to decline the rank of lower level for 3 (three) years; 36 days up to 40 working days were sentenced to transfer in the framework of lower levels of positions that occupy structural or functional positions and 41 days to 45 working days were sentenced to liberation from positions for civil servants who occupy structural or functional positions; And for 46 working days and above, it is sentenced to respectfully the dismissal at his own request or dismissal with respect as a civil servant.
If all elements violate the discipline of civil servants have been achieved, the person concerned can be processed for dismissal as a civil servant. Said the resource person, Olive Sriyana, SH.
The enthusiasm of the participants who attended was very high as evidenced by the number of participants' questions guided by the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda to the resource person to discuss various problems from the Panismen or a form of punishment for those who violate the rules to employees who carry out their duties very well who must receive awards/riwod in the form of welfare or promotion.
Background The stipulation of Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 included: 1. 2. adjusting authority for officials who have the right to impose disciplinary sentences along with regional autonomy; 3. Empowerment of the same disciplinary penalty for the same type of disciplinary violation as linking the obligations and prohibitions violated with the level and type of punishment imposed; 4 5. Fostering courage to each structural position holder to impose disciplined sentences to employees in their environment.
Procedures for summons, examination, imposition and submission of disciplinary punishment decisions (HD) include:
a. Summons is described into four points, namely: 1. Civil servants suspected of committing disciplinary violations are called in writing by direct superiors for examination; 2. Summons to civil servants suspected of committing disciplinary violations is carried out no later than 7 (seven) working days before the inspection date; 3. If on the date the relevant questioned is not present, then the second summons is carried out no later than 7 (seven) working days from the date the relevant date is examined in the first summons; 3. If at the date of examination of the relevant civil servants also attended, the official authorized to punish HD based on evidence and information that existed without examination.
b. Examination is described to 7 (seven) points, among others: 1. Before civil servants were sentenced to HD every direct reason must first examine civil servants suspected of violating discipline; 2. The examination is carried out in private and the results are poured in the form of BAP; 3. BAP must be signed by officials who examine and civil servants examined; 4. In the case of civil servants examined, they are not willing to sign BAP, the BAP remains used as a basis for bringing down discipline; 5. Civil servants examined are entitled to get a copy of BAP; 6. Based on the results of the examination, the authorized official to sentence HD; 7. In HD decisions, a disciplinary violation must be mentioned by the relevant civil servant.
c. Disciplinary sentence (HD) is described to 4 (four) points including: 1. If according to the results of the examination, the authority to bring down HD to the civil servant is the authority: a. The direct supervisor concerned, then the direct supervisor must bring down HD; b. Higher officials, the direct supervisor must report hierarchy BAP; point 2. specifically for disciplinary violations whose threats are moderate and severe can be formed by an examination team by PPK or other appointed officials (Article 25 PP 53 of 2010); 3. The examination team consists of direct superiors, elements of supervision and personnel or other appointed officials; 4. If needed, direct superiors, examining teams or officials who are authorized to punish can ask for information from others.
D. Submission of Disciplinary Penalty (HD) is described to 4 (four) points, among others: 1. Each imposition of HD is determined by the decision of the authorized official; 2. Decisions are submitted in private by the authorized official to punish or other officials appointed to the relevant civil servants and their copies are conveyed to the officials of the relevant agencies; 3. Submission of HD Decisions is carried out no later than 14 (fourteen days) of working days since the decision was determined; 4. In the event that civil servants who were sentenced to HD were not present at the time of the HD decision, the decision was sent to the person concerned.
e. Temporary release from his position duties.
In the context of smooth examination, civil servants who are suspected of violating discipline and are likely to be sentenced to severe HD, can be temporarily released from their duties by direct superiors since the relevant concerned is examined with the following conditions: 1. 2. Temporary exemption is valid since the person concerned was examined until the establishment of a disciplinary penalty; 3. Civil servants who are released temporarily are still given their staffing rights in accordance with statutory regulations; 4. If the direct supervisor does not exist, then the temporary release is carried out by a higher official.
f. Basis for Disciplinary Penalty (HD) Described several important points, among others: 1. PNS based on the results of the examination turned out to commit a number of disciplinary violations, against it can only be shared one type of HD that is the heaviest after considering the violations committed; 2. Civil servants who have been sentenced to HD then committed the same disciplinary violation, to him being sentenced to HD which was more severe than the last HD that had been dropped on; 3. Civil servants cannot be sentenced to HD twice or more for one disciplinary violation. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).
Photo Description: 1. Secretary of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si chaired Permen Socialization Meeting No. 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of PNS and Perka BKN No. 21 of 2010 delivered by speakers from BKD East Kalimantan Province, Zaitun Sriyana, SH Head of Employee Penalty Sub -Division; 2. The participants who attended around seventy -five were listening to the explanation from the resource person.