
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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Manage the budget correctly

Balikpapan, 22/5/13. Management of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government's Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget must be managed fairly and correctly, 1a._Plt._Sekdaprov_senggagus_Ka_Bappeda_Kaltim_sampaikan_sambutan_dan_open_caraa large budget can be seen first to see whether it is in accordance with its essence, namely improving the welfare of the people of East Kalimantan.

This was stated by Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province and Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi, MS when giving a speech and opening the Socialization of Instruments & Simulations for Evaluation of RENSTRA, RENJA SKPD and RKPD 2014 Results in the Pacific Hotel meeting room, Jl. General Achmad Yani, Balikpapan City, attended by approximately one hundred and twenty participants from all SKPDs within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.

DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi, MS accompanied by (on the left) Head of the Regional Development Assessment Sub-Sector, Yusliando, ST, Regional Development Assessment & Financing Sector, Bappeda Kaltim; Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ir.H. Nazrin as Acting Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda; Resource person from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Republic of Indonesia, Sony Yuwono, SE.Ak, M.Si as expert/practitioner; East Kalimantan Province Secretariat Finance Bureau, Fahmi.

In the presentation of Plt. The Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province with the title "Report on the Results of the Verification of RENJA SKPD and Clarification of pre-RKA SKPD 2014" refers to the theme of the 2014 National RKP, which is Strengthening the National Economy for the Fair Improvement of People's Welfare, so the Kalimantan Provincial Government sets the theme of the 2014 RKPD of East Kalimantan as Strengthening Regional Economic Competitiveness Based on Renewable Economic Resources Supported by Improved Apparatus Resource Management.


1. Increasing the Added Value of Industrialization/manufacturing – Upstream-Downstream Integration;
2. Development of production areas/centers by considering economic scale and markets;
3. Improving Infrastructure – Distribution Efficiency;
4. Innovative HR development.


1. Agricultural Improvement;
2. Ecotourism;
3. Environmentally friendly development;
4. Rural Development.

1. Competency Improvement;
2. Professionalism;
3. Improvement of Public Services;
4. Improving the performance of apparatus and Anti-Corruption.


Development priorities in 2014 are still focused on the 3 Big Agendas for East Kalimantan with 12 development priorities. Development is directed at laying the foundation for achieving the 3rd RPJMD targets in accordance with the directions in the 2005-2025 RPJPD

AGENDA I: Creating a safe, democratic and peaceful East Kalimantan supported by a clean and authoritative government, including:
1. Priority 5. Reform and Governance;
2. Priority 12. Development of Border, Interior and Disadvantaged Areas

AGENDA II: Creating a competitive and pro-people regional economy, including:
1. Priority 1. Food Independence and Sovereignty;
2. Priority 4. People's Economic Empowerment and Real Sector Development;
3. Priority 6. Environmental Management and Climate Change;
4. Priority 7. Regional Economic Competitiveness;
5. Priority 10. Infrastructure development;
6. Priority 11. Fulfillment of Electrical Power.

AGENDA III: Improving the Quality of Human Resources and People's Welfare, including:
1. Priority 2. Poverty Alleviation;
2. Priority 3. Expanding Job Opportunities;
3. Priority 8. Educational Services;
4. Priority 9. Optimizing Access and Quality of Health Services Increasing access and quality of health services.


Total income in 2013 was IDR. 11.5 trillion and a surplus of Rp. 1.4 Trillion so the total amount spent is IDR. 12.9 Trillion. Meanwhile, the 2014 APBD projection for total revenue is IDR. 12 trillion and a surplus of Rp. 1.7 trillion a week total spending amounting to Rp. 13.7 Trillion.

At the end of his speech Plt. The Regional Secretary of Kalimantan Province conveyed suggestions to all participants who attended, including:

1. The East Kalimantan Provincial SKPD needs to immediately follow up on the results of the 2014 SKPD RENJA verification in accordance with the recommendations provided by the Provincial Bappeda planning department. East Kalimantan on 13 – 16 May 2013;
2. It is necessary to immediately determine the SKPD indicative ceiling for 2014 after verification of the SKPD RENJA and clarification of the 2014 SKPD PRA RKA, bearing in mind that it is necessary to immediately establish the 2014 RKPD Gubernatorial Regulation on 24 May 2013;
3. If the BL-SKPD 2014 remains set at Rp. 7.3 trillion, then the proposed additional ceiling for SKPD needs to be immediately responded to whether it is accommodated or postponed to the following year;
4. It is necessary to immediately carry out financial SIMDA entry phase II based on the new indicative ceiling to obtain information on the amounts: personnel expenditure, goods and services expenditure and capital expenditure. (Sukandar, S. Sos).