The mainstreaming of the East Kalimantan Rad-GRK
Balikpapan, 11/11/13. The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan committed to descend greenhouse gas emissions by 15.6% year 2020. Programs and activities through RAD GHK (Regional Action Plan for Decreasing Greenhouse Gas) starting in 2010 and the target to be achieved in 2020 amounted to 15.6%of sources and scenarios of emission decreases calculated in various sectors such as land-based sectors (forestry sector , mining, plantation, agriculture and animal husbandry), energy sectors, transportation and industry, as well as the waste management sector.
The Teagert of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government is listed in the East Kalimantan Governor Regulation No. 54 of 2012 concerning Regional Action Plan for Decreasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Identifying and Calculating Emission Resources and Determining the Emission Decrease Scenario that may be achieved by East Kalimantan in 2020 15.6%.
This will be revealed at the Coordination Meeting on the Socialization of Implementation and Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Decreased Greenhouse Gas Emissions (RAD GRK) which will be held today, Monday 11 November 2013 in the Gran Senyiur Hotel Meeting Room, Jl. Ars Mohammad Number 7, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan 76112, Indonesia, and will be attended by participants and invitations of approximately one hundred people from the Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas, SKPD of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and Regency / City in East Kalimantan.
While the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 26% with its own efforts to 41% with assistance from other countries. These efforts are strengthened by the issuance of various strategies and policy tools at the national level, such as Presidential Regulation No. 61 of 2011 concerning National Action Plan for Decreasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Perpres No. 62 of 2011 concerning Implementation of National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Perpres No. 62 of 2013 concerning Agency Manager of Decreased Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation of Forests and Peatlands, as well as Presidential Instruction Number 10 of 2011 concerning Delay in Giving New Permits and Improvement of Primary Natural Forest Governance and Peatlands (for 2 years) and renewed again with Presidential Regulation Number 6 of 2013 .
Various programs of programs and activities as well as strategies in reducing greenhouse gas emissions through regulations and policies that have been issued both at the national and provincial levels need to be reviewed for its implementation, whether there are obstacles and obstacles in its implementation and how to overcome them. So a mechanism for exchange of information for all of these things is needed. The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan together with Bappenas plans to evaluate the implementation of the Regional Action Plan for the Decreasing of the Greenhouse Gas to ensure how far it has been carried out and what are the obstacles if any. ; " src = "" Alt = "_ 2._rampat_dsc0030" Width = "500" Height = "332" />
The purpose of the mainstreaming of the RAD GHK includes: 1. Knowing the extent of the mainstreaming of the RAD GHK (Regional Action Plan for Decreasing Green Gas Emissions) in the Regional Development Planning System at the Provincial, Regency/City Level and SKPD; 2. Delivering the efforts being carried out by the Provincial and Regency Governments in East Kalimantan in the priority of the agenda of reducing emissions into regional development planning in East Kalimantan; 3. Map constraints and find problem solving and determine the follow -up/ future needs related to the mainstreaming of emissions in development planning at the provincial and district levels and SKPD; 4. Map constraints and find problem solving and determine the follow -up/ future needs related to the implementation and mechanism of evaluating emissions in development planning at the provincial and district level and SKPD;
The expected results are the mainstreaming of the RAD GHK between: 1. There is an equation of perception regarding the implementation of RAD GHK by regional planning institutions and technical SKPDs at the provincial, district and city levels; 2. He understood the importance of the maintenance of the agenda of the decline in emissions in the development planning process so that it could be carried out well and measured by sectoral institutions; 3. Availability of input for the Baseline revision of the East Kalimantan Province RAD GHK emission. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).