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Regional Musrenbang Kalimantan 2014

Samarinda, Sunday, 2/3/14. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government held the Kalimantan Regional Pre-Musrenbang, Monday 3 March 2014 at the Gran Hotel 2._pra_musrenbang_regional_3_maret_14Senyiur, Jalan ARS Mohammad Number 7, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan Province by discussing three development agendas, namely: 1). Connectivity

Infrastructure Development; 2). Energy Development Connectivity; 3). Food Security Development Connectivity.
Technical discussions on the development of connectivity between provinces throughout Kalimantan were discussed by each Provincial Bappeda throughout Kalimantan as well as related SKPDs within the Provincial Governments throughout Kalimantan.

The results of the discussion of the 3 main connectivity development agendas between Provinces throughout Kalimantan will be discussed as a follow-up on Tuesday, March 4 2014 at the same place and attended by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, DR.H. Hatta Rajasa and environmental officials of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, and will be attended by all the Governors of Kalimantan, who has confirmed his attendance is the Governor of East Kalimantan, DR.H. Awang Faroek Ishak; Governor of South Kalimantan; Governor of Central Kalimantan, while Governor of West Kalimantan and Acting. The Governor of North Kalimantan is still waiting for further confirmation, said Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province and Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS in the office of the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Friday 28/2/2014 during an interview with the Kaltim Maju 2018 journalist / Public Relations of the Regional Secretariat of East Kalimantan Province, Heru Renaldi.

The 2014 Kalimantan Regional Musrebang with the theme "Accelerating the Completion of Regional Connectivity, Energy and Food Security" this event was held in collaboration between the Provincial Governments throughout Kalimantan and the East Kalimantan Provincial Government as the host in 2014 based on the results of a mutual agreement.< /p>


The regional potential which is very diverse in terms of natural resources in Kalimantan is still not able to significantly raise the standard of living of the people of Kalimantan. Some of the Development Paradoxes that have become Strategic ISUs to date are the inequality of Development between the Islands of Java and the Island of Kalimantan. One indicator is the high gap in the value of investment invested in Java and Kalimantan. This is because reliable basic infrastructure (connectivity between production and energy centers) has not yet been developed. The advantages of natural resources still require basic infrastructure support that is able to support the processing of existing natural resources from raw materials for finished goods.

With this problem as the background, the Kalimantan Regional Development Acceleration Revitalization Cooperation Forum (FKRP2RK) was formed. The Revitalization Cooperation Forum for the Acceleration of Regional Development in Kalimantan was established as a form of responsibility and concern for Governors throughout Kalimantan towards the people of Kalimantan. In its implementation, FKRP2RK actively carries out coordination/working meetings between provincial governments and holds audiences at strategic ministries every year.


A. The 2014 Musrenbang Forum for Cooperation on Revitalization and Acceleration of Regional Development in Kalimantan is intended to accelerate progress and synergize development programs/activities of Ministries/Institutions and Provincial Governments in Kalimantan in the field of Infrastructure (Connectivity) Fulfilling Energy and Food Security on the Island of Kalimantan.

B. Purpose :

1. Identification of Target Time, Volume and Location of Ministry/Institution Development Programs/Activities in the Connectivity Sector for Fulfillment of Energy and Food Security on the Island of Kalimantan in accordance with needs;
2. Formulate strategies and steps that must be taken by both the Central and Regional Governments in order to realize work plans and programs/activities for Kalimantan Development in the field of Energy Fulfillment Connectivity in Kalimantan


Based on work evaluations in previous years and for work effectiveness and efficiency, in 2014 the FKRP2RK carried a more specific theme regarding the main problems of the island of Kalimantan, namely "ACCELERATING THE COMPLETION OF CONNECTIVITY, ENERGY FULFILLMENT AND REGIONAL FOOD SECURITY OF KALIMANTAN"


The results to be achieved at this meeting are:
1. Creating transportation connectivity between regions (roads, ports, airports) and supporting the economic growth centers of Kalimantan Island, including:
a. Increasing Road Capacity from 8 Tons to 12 Tons.
b. Increasing Port and Airport Capacity According to Needs/Road Master Plan and Master Plan.
c. Acceleration of Completion of Long Span Bridges.
d. Widening of Road Sections Connecting PKN.

2. Fulfillment of Electricity and Energy Needs Through:
a. Increase in the Fuel Quota for Kalimantan Island.
b. Solutions for Fulfilling Electricity through the Construction of Power Plants.

3. Fulfillment of Food Security in the Kalimantan Region in the context of:
a. Become a National Rice Granary
b. Increasing Rice Production in each Province


1. Venue : Hotel Gran Senyiur, JL. A.R.S. Mohammed. No. 7 Balikpapan;
2. Participants :
1.1. First Day: Monday, March 3 2014 (Pre-Musrenbang)

Discussion and Finalization of Proposed Programs and Activities with participants:
a. Head of Bappeda throughout Kalimantan;
b. Relevant SKPDs throughout Kalimantan (PU Service, Transportation Service, Mining and Energy Service, Legal Bureau, Government Bureau, Economic Bureau, Cooperation Bureau);
c. Kalimantan Regional VII National Road Implementation Center;
d. Director of PT. PLN (Persero) Pikitring Kalimantan, Balikpapan;
e. Director of PT. PLN Persero East Kalimantan Region;
f. BP. Oil and Gas, Balikpapan;
g. PT. Pertamina Balikpapan;
h. PT. Pelindo IV Balikpapan branch;
i. PT. Pelindo IV Samarinda branch;
j. PT. Angkasa Pura Balikpapan.

1.2. Second Day: Tuesday, March 4 2014 (FKRP2RK Regional Musrenbang) with Participants:

a. Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
b. Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas RI.
c. Minister of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia.
d. Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia.
e. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia.
f. Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia.
g. Governors throughout Kalimantan .
h. Elements of Bappeda Provinces throughout Kalimantan.
i. Head of related SKPD (PU Service, Transportation Service, Mining and Energy Service, Legal Bureau, Government Bureau, Economic Bureau, Cooperation Bureau)
j. Kalimantan Regional VII National Road Implementation Center.
k. Head of PLN.
l. Pertamina.

m. Invitations are:
1. Member of the DPR RI and DPD RI for the Kalimantan electoral district.
2. Pangdam Mulawarman and Korem Commander.
3. Tanjung Pura Military Commander and Korem Commander.
4. Kapolda throughout – Kalimantan.
5. Chair of Provincial DPRD and Chair of Provincial DPRD Commissions throughout Kalimantan.
6. Chancellor of the local State University.
7. General Manager PT. PLN in Kalimantan.


A. Pre-Regional Musrenbang

1. The discussion was carried out using a Plenary Session mechanism. Meeting to discuss the proposed 2014 FKRP2RKP work plan and proposed 2014 Kalimantan Regional Development programs/activities which were divided into:
a. Acceleration of Completion of Kalimantan Connectivity.
b. Fulfillment of Energy (Electricity and Fuel) for Kalimantan Island.
c. Food Security in the Kalimantan Region
d. The discussion was led by the Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda as Secretary of FKRP2RK
e. Discussion participants in the Working Group are all Bappeda Provinces throughout Kalimantan, and all related SKPDs.

2. Material finalization includes:
a. Program/Activity Evaluation
b. Proposed 2014 FKRP2RK Work Plan.
c. Kalimantan Regional Development Program/Activity Plan for 2015.
B. Regional Musrenbang

1. Report from the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province as the organizer.
2. Message from the Chairman of FKRP2RK for the 2013 – 2014 Period with the topic "Accelerating Completion of Connectivity, Fulfillment of Regional Energy and Food Security in Kalimantan" as well as opening the Musrenbang Event
3. Acceptance of North Kalimantan as a member of FKRP2RK
4. Brief explanation of each Governor throughout Kalimantan regarding the themes and proposals for each Kalimantan Regional program/activity.

5. Discussant:
5.1. Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
5.2. Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas RI.
5.3. Minister of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia.
5.4. Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia.
5.5. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia.
5.6. Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia.
6. Discussion hosted by the Governor of South Kalimantan to discuss and relate to the proposed 2015 Regional Development Activity Program. Input came from all meeting participants present.
7. Signing of Agreement and Closing.

(Sukandar, S.Sos, implementing staff for Development Assessment and Financing, Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province).