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2015 East Kalimantan RKPD Public Consultation

Samarinda, 13/3/14. Development planning does not necessarily mean planning but requires a process in planning one of them _1c._plh._ka_Bappeda_Kaltim_sampaikan_sambutan_also_membuka_acr_konsultasi_pulbik_di_RR_Utama_Untag_17_Ags_45_Smd_13-3-14is a public consultation, this is to design development plans that come from the bottom line or from all levels of society, both from academics, practitioners, community organizations, and entrepreneurs or the private sector with the aim of obtaining quality development planning that can answer and fulfill improvements in community welfare.

This was stated by the Chancellor of the University of 17 August 1945 Samarinda, Prof.DR.H. Edy Soegiarto. K, SE., MM in delivering a speech and opening the 2015 East Kalimantan Province Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD) Public Consultation event in the Untag Main Meeting Room 17 August 1945 Samarinda, 13/3/14 attended by approximately 125 participants from academics, mass organizations/NGOs, community leaders, religious leaders and related officials and staff within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government

The Chancellor of Untag, 17 August 1945, also quoted from the writings of journalist Ngayos, saying that the people of East Kalimantan died in the diamond vortex, in the diamond vortex. This was expressed with the aim that development planning does not only utilize natural resources but also processes renewable natural resources to be prioritized in planning the development of East Kalimantan and the Chancellor also hopes that this meeting will result in natural resource management not being a gift from nature but rather utilizing developed natural resources. or renewable.

While Plh. Head of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si said that the 2015 Development Planning is the second year of the 2013-2015 East Kalimantan Province RPJMD, in accordance with the ongoing planning process, the 2015 East Kalimantan Province RKPD cannot be separated from the Vision of the East Kalimantan Province RPJMD "Creating an Equitable Prosperous East Kalimantan And Fairly Based on Agroindustry and Environmentally Friendly Energy" supported by 5 missions, namely : 1.) Creating Quality Human Resources in East Kalimantan that are Independent and Highly Competitive; 2). Realizing Community Economic Competitiveness Based on Natural Resources and Renewable Energy; 3). Realizing Quality Basic Infrastructure for the Community evenly; 4). Realizing Professional, Transparent and Public Service Oriented Governance; 5). Realizing Good and Healthy Environmental Quality and Taking a Climate Change Perspective. Supported by 6 goals, 20 development targets and 122 priority programs.

H. Nazrin added that in his presentation, he stated that the priority targets for the development of East Kalimantan Province in 2015 were with the theme "Industrialization of Regional Superior Products and Development of New and Renewable Energy through Strengthening Local Capacity, and which is very important in the 2015 RKPD Draft for East Kalimantan Province, namely: 1. East Kalimantan development problems in the next 5 years; 2. Vision and Mission Direction; 3. Elements of the 2018 Advanced Kaltim Vision; 4. Vision and Mission of Ranwal RPJMD East Kalimantan Province 2013-2018; 5. Linkages between documents; 6. Targets of macro indicators for the development of Advanced East Kalimantan in 2018.

In accordance with the 2015 RKPD theme "Industrialization of Regional Superior Products and Development of New and Renewable Energy through Strengthening Local Capacity" with 12 priority programs, including: 1. Agro-industry development; 2. Community economic development; 3. Development of environmentally friendly energy; 4. Improving the quality of basic infrastructure; 5. Improving the quality of the education delivery system; 6. Improving the quality of health services; 7. Acceleration of poverty alleviation; 8. Increasing and expanding employment opportunities; 9. Acceleration of Economic Transformation; 10. Increasing food production; 11. Bureaucratic and public service reform; 12. Improving the quality of the environment

Public Consultation Discussion_2._pembawa_cara_masriah_DSC0240

1. DR. Rudianto Amirta, Unmul Samarinda

Providing input on the industrialization of regional superior products and the concept of development planning for East Kalimantan Province is appropriate because it has paid attention to the management of renewable natural resources by highlighting regional superior potential

There is a need to identify local natural resources/commodities selected to be developed as superior products for food, energy, cosmetics, medicines and others, as well as determining their location and production quotas and determining qualitative ones so that they do not overlap, multi-party agreements are also needed and no less important is an action plan acceleration and funding in the 2015 RKPD.

There is no CPO target in the 2015 East Kalimantan RKPD, this needs to be included in the target that we will achieve in 2015, we have the potential but are unable to empower it.

Phasing of development in the agriculture, forestry, plantation and growth sectors in the RKPD of East Kalimantan Province.

2. PT. Prima Mitrajaya Mandiri, Arief Budiono

The palm oil processing industry uses an energy-independent industry with a land area of ​​13 thousand Ha located in Kutai Kartanegara Regency. Energy needs are designed to meet their own needs without thinking that through. commercialized, even though the energy potential is very high.

3. Akhmad Wijaya, Samarinda Biome Foundation

Development will combine three things, community needs, desires and interests. The planning document is expected to pay attention to the stages of development planning. East Kalimantan Province was selected as a key region in reducing environmental emissions so that the development program can support programs from the center. The RKPD document requires a lot of corrections from chapter to chapter and also needs to be able to manage threats into opportunities in sustainable development planning.

_4._kabid_p3d_interview_DSC0281Participant Responses

A. Akas, Untag


1. Life expectancy or health sector
2. Compulsory education needs to be corrected again;
3. There is no fisheries sector program yet;
4. In dealing with natural disasters, a strategic program is needed to deal with waterlogging. Samarinda's urban problem is not a problem of flooding, but dealing with waterlogging which occurs in several areas which needs further treatment. The proposal is to improve the quality of life of the community and increase human resources.

B. Unmul

1. Identify superior products to be developed;
2. MP3EI Kaltim is included in the timber cluster, but not yet included in the RKPD;
3. Determine the location of new and renewable energy in accordance with regional potential;
4. need to coordinate with PLH on the basis of new and renewable energy.

C. Syahrudin, Bappeda Bontang

1. Bontang's 2015 growth target is 4.3% even though Bontang's economic growth is minus, it is very difficult and impossible to achieve this economic growth, unless the East Kalimantan Provincial Government has a program that can grow the economy of Bontang City very rapidly;
2. The real capacity of the specified target

D. Unmul Faculty of Agriculture Unmul, Ratna Nirmala _7._tanggaran_kabid_P._SDM_bappeda_kaltim_DSC0274

1. Take advantage of new, renewable energy in the natural sector, for example water and sun;
2. Need to analyze challenges into opportunities, for example floods;
3. the need to increase human resources in increasing development.

E. Prof. Riyanto, Unmul

1. Suggestions and input are guaranteed, what is approved and what is not;
2. The public consultation time used is not enough, additional time is needed;
3. Improving environmental quality is contrary to this program, for example the construction of Convention Hall is not in accordance with environmental management;
4. Flood management should require normalizing watershed flows;

Response from the resource person

Input from discussants regarding new and renewable energy is very valuable so that supporting programs are needed according to needs. Regionalism is very necessary to support each other. Meanwhile, the second discussant from a palm oil company provided input.

For response from Akar, Untag 17 1945 Samarinda, Head of Human Resources Development, Bappeda East Kalimantan Province Drs.H. Hariyo Santoso said that the East Kalimantan development program, especially in the education sector, which he considered by Akas from the University of 17 August 1945 to be experiencing setbacks, was just a perception thought not supported by data and facts in the field, and the Head of Human Resources Development, Bappeda Kaltim, Drs.H. Hariyo Santoso conveyed his response to Akas to review other documents regarding the development of the education sector as well as development documents of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government that have been implemented, so that the information conveyed does not deviate from the facts and data according to actual conditions.

_5._peserta_konsultasi_publikMeanwhile, the response from the Head of Economics, Ir. Ujang Rahmad, M.Si. Most of the suggestions from the participants have been submitted, but they are printed because it is a parallel discussion process, for example in the fisheries sector there are already programs for both catch fishermen and aquaculture programs.

Meanwhile, the response from the Head of Division, P3D said that the mandate of regulation 54 of 2010 was Public Consultation in providing input to the 2015 RKPD, and this input was very important, especially input from Akas which concerns development inequality, because development must be unequal because it is not all areas are built the same as the others.

Targets in development planning are limited to those which take priority in the main targets in the RKPD, however in the RPJMD the targets can be achieved within the next 5 years. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province has opened a space to provide input on what documents can be included.

Response from the Head of Division. P.SDM, the RPJMD and RKPD process has begun, the response from Akas regarding the decline in education is a perception, East Kalimantan in 2019 has launched a 12 year compulsory education program, but in the Minister of Home Affairs it is only 9 years, regarding the public health sector, it is indeed necessary to improve.

Meanwhile, the response from the Head of PPW, Ir.H. Hafid said that the discussion did not mention much about infrastructure except for the East Kalimantan Province RTRW, the discussion had already gone to the Central DPR. The management of the Mahakam river in East Kalimantan is managed by the center and is handled by the East Kalimantan Province of the Kendelo, Berau rivers and this program already exists.

Flood management through multiyear construction contracts cannot run well because it is affected by land, and the land is the responsibility of the district/city.

Response from expert staff, Prof. Dwi said that the East Kalimantan Bappeda was compared to a chef or cook so it needed to get a response to what was missing and public consultation was very important to be able to find a solution to resolve the problem. (Sukandar, S.Sos/Bappeda East Kalimantan Province and photo Fajar).
