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Data supports regional development

Balikpapan, Tuesday 10/6/14. Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province and Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, DR.Ir.H. 1a._plt_Sekdaprov_kaltim_DSC_8938Rusmadi.MS delivered a presentation with the title "Efforts to Build 'ONE DATA ONE MAP' in Supporting Regional Development Planning Policies in East Kalimantan Province" at the 2014 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation meeting in the meeting room on the 9th floor of the Pasifik Hotel, Jl. Achmad Yani Balikpapan with resource person Head of the East Kalimantan Province Central Statistics Agency, Aden Gultom with moderator Head of Balikpapan City Bappeda, Drs.H. Suryanto, M.M, Tuesday 10/6/14. The meeting participants were attended by East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province BPS and SKPD related to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government as well as BPS, Regency/City Bappeda throughout East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan totaling approximately 120 people.

Meanwhile, the Head of Division, Head of Sub-Division and staff present within the Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province include, Head of Statistics & Development Control, Drs.H. Taufik Hermawan; Head of Subdivision of Statistics and Data Collection Rina Juliaty, S.Si; Head of Development Control Subdivision, Charmarijaty, ST; Head of Program Planning Subdivision, H. Buyung Dodi Gunawan, ST., M.M; Head of Government Subdivision, Dra. Tri Padianawati; Head of Subdivision for Business Development, Tourism and Culture, Berlin Friniko Sihaloho, SE and planning staff and Program Planning staff.

DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS in delivering the material explained the importance of data to support regional development and discrete statistical data, including: 1). Statistical activities are actions that include efforts to provide and disseminate data, efforts to develop statistical knowledge, and efforts that lead to the development of a national statistical system (Law No: 16/1997 concerning Statistics); 2). The National Statistical System is an order consisting of elements that are regularly related to each other, thus forming a totality in the administration of statistics (the SSN pillars are basic + sectoral + special statistics); 3. Sectoral statistics, namely statistics whose use is intended to meet the needs of certain agencies in the context of carrying out government and development tasks which are the main tasks of the agency concerned (SKPD statistics).

Building 'One Data One Map' for East Kalimantan Development on the basis of the One Map policy, One Map Policy based on Law Number 4 of 2011 & Presidential Instruction 10 of 2011, namely Geospatial Data is needed by all government institutions and regional governments as well as the community for improve the quality of decision making in all aspects of national development.

Background of 'One Data One Map' For East Kalimantan

1. Geospatial is a very important medium for sustainable development planning and resource management both at the central and regional levels;
2. Equalizing perceptions in processing spatial and non-spatial data for all SKPDs within the provincial and district/city governments of East Kalimantan to use the same and integrated references;
3. Facilitate data exchange between SKPD and District/City and provide efficient use of funds and time in the process of implementing monitoring and evaluation of activities and also benefit the public2._narasurus_sesi_I_DSC_8949

Aims and Objectives of 'One Data One Map' For East Kalimantan

The intent is to build a network node in East Kalimantan province using the same and integrated database that refers on the same reference with integrated and harmonized management.

The goal of 'One Data One Map' For East Kalimantan is

1. Forming regional institutions in a network system based on spatial data;
2. Providing easy access between SKPDs in the planning, monitoring and evaluation processes in various development activities;
3. Reduce duplication of information and activities so that uniform and standard data is formed, and avoid doubts in the use of spatial data;
4. Building the same base map reference at a certain scale;
5. Improving the quality of activity programs so that they are effective in optimizing the use of natural resource potential and regional development;
6. Improving existing development support systems in East Kalimantan province through integration with existing systems.

Conclusions from the Meeting

Conclusions from the 2014 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation meeting in Balikpapan City with the theme "One Data One Map" in order to realize economic competitiveness which is based on natural resources and environmentally friendly energy, was signed by the Head of the Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Rusmadi.MS and Head of BPS East Kalimantan Province, Aden Gultom as well as Heads of Bappeda and BPS Districts/Cities throughout East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan. A good government is a government built with good data management. Through integrated One Data, it is hoped that it can facilitate quality development planning and effective development control, through managing regional development data that is accurate, up-to-date, integrated, complete, accountable, dynamic, reliable, valid and easy.
As it still exists some data is not yet synchronized based on data sources from both Provinces and Districts/Cities for development planning in East Kalimantan, as well as the importance of the role and function of data in implementing monitoring and evaluating development results. For this reason, it needs to be followed up with a Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation Meeting throughout East Kalimantan. The East Kalimantan Data Synchronization and Consolidation Meeting held on 9 - 11 June 2014 in Balikpapan City was attended by Bappeda, BPS Districts/Cities throughout East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan as well as Bappeda, BPS, East Kalimantan Provincial Services/Agencies and Provincial Bappeda North Kalimantan.

Furthermore, taking into account the Speech of the Governor of East Kalimantan Province, Greetings from the Mayor of Balikpapan, presentation from the Head of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province, presentation from the Head of BPS East Kalimantan Province, presentation from Pusdalisbang Bappeda West Java Province on One Data Development for West Java and BPS RI on Competitiveness and Industrialization of Regional Products, Geospatial Information Agency on One Data One Map in supporting the One Map Policy and BPS East Kalimantan Province regarding discrepancies in Regional Data in Figures for 2014 as well as the results of discussions that developed during the event/meeting, then several agreements were produced, namely:
1. With the establishment of the one data one map portal for East Kalimantan Province (, all SKPD, BPS Provinces and Districts/Cities have agreed to provide accurate data (one data) based on regional (spatial) levels up to sub-district/kelurahan/village (one map).
2. To support the above program, each Provincial and Regency/City SKPD throughout East Kalimantan, coordinated by Bappeda, has prepared sectoral statistical publications based on spatial (regional) up to the district/sub-district/kelurahan/village level.
3. With One Data, it is necessary to form data forums at both provincial and district/city levels to verify, validate and analyze data. Data forum members consist of SKPD and BPS elements as well as academics.
4. The legal umbrella for cooperation in the framework of statistical activities, Information Technology and Human Resource Development is Presidential Decree number 54 of 2010 and Head of BPS Regulation number 37/2012. In this Perka, the title of activities/publications published based on collaboration may not be the same as that stated in PP No. 54 of 2009 concerning types and rates for types of PNBP at BPS. 7._peserta_sync_DSC_89655. Because Regions in Figures has been included in Government Regulation No. 54 of 2009, starting in 2015 it was agreed that the name of the Regions in Figures publication would be replaced with the publication of Regional Development Data.
6. Publication of Regional Development Data, apart from containing data as currently available, is supplemented with data in accordance with Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 54 of 2010 and regional needs.
7. To minimize data insynchronization, before the 2015 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation Meeting is held, discussions must be held at the Regency/City level no later than the first week of May 2015, organized by Bappeda and BPS of each Regency/City with data sources from Regency/City and Province as well as presenting related agencies/institutions/agencies. The results of the discussion will be immediately submitted to Bappeda and BPS of East Kalimantan Province to be synchronized at the provincial level no later than mid-May 2015. The exposure draft regarding data that has not been synchronized, before being brought to the synchronization and consolidation meeting forum, will be submitted first to the Provincial Department/Agency as a data source for clarification to the relevant District/City Department.
8. The population refers to BPS data for East Kalimantan Province which will be allocated to the Regency/City level, including derivative tables. Meanwhile, further communication will be provided at the sub-district and sub-district/village levels.
9. District/City Education, Health and Religious Data will be synchronized by the relevant Departments in East Kalimantan Province.
10. Data on the length of roads and bridges which are the authority of the Central Government (State Roads) and Provinces can be informed to the Regency/City by the Provincial Bappeda, while data on the length of roads and bridges which are the authority of the Regency/City Government can be informed to the East Kalimantan Provincial Public Works Department by Bappeda Regency/City.
11. Data on the number of companies and area of ​​Regency/City HPH is confirmed again with the relevant department.
12. In March 2014, livestock data verification was carried out with districts/cities, and the data used was data from the Provincial Livestock Service. For district/city data, please confirm again with the relevant department.
13. The electricity data source uses local PLN data.
14. Banking data uses sources from Bank Indonesia.
15. There are striking differences in data on the number of motorized vehicles between provincial data from POLDA and district/city data. The province and each district/city will reconfirm with the relevant agencies.
16. Regional Data in Figures for 2014 which have not been synchronized and decided at this meeting will be corrected by each Regency/City and immediately sent back to BPS/Provincial Bappeda no later than the second week of July 2014 (15 July 2014) via the fastest media in file form with or
17. Based on input from sources, to fill in the One Data One Map, it is necessary to add data that has a reciprocal relationship between economic actors, society and the government. This reciprocal relationship is formulated in regional economic models: Input-Output Model, Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and Computable General Equilibrium (CGE), so that the environmental impact on the development process can be known.
18. The 2015 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation Meeting will be held in June 2015 in Kutai Kartanegara district and in 2016 it will be held in Samarinda City. Meanwhile, for the North Kalimantan region, it will be implemented by the North Kalimantan Province Bappeda in June 2015 in Bulungan district.
19. This conclusion and agreement will be followed up and evaluated at the next meeting and presented to the Governor of East Kalimantan and Acting. Governor of North Kalimantan, Regents/Mayors throughout East Kalimantan, related Services/Agencies at the Provincial level.

(Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos) and document photo: Mukti Ali and Sukandar, S. Sos