
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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Consistency of Regional Development Documents

Samarinda, 30/9/14. Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province and Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Dr.Ir.H. Opening the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Consistency of the Regional Development Plan Document of the Province of East Kalimantan in 2015 with speakers Jabal Natsir and Haris Muda Nasution, the monitoring and evaluation team of the Regional Development Planning Directorate, the Director General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in the Space The Basic Pattern Meeting of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda was attended by participants in the Head of the SKPD of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan or representing approximately 125 people.

In the delivery of remarks while opening the Plt event. The Regional Secretary of the Province of East Kalimantan said that the importance of the consistency of documents between the East Kalimantan Province RPJMD which was set through a Regional Regulation on June 7, 2014 with the SKPD and SKPD Renstra in the scope of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
While the delivery of Jabal Natsir resource persons assisted by Haris Muda Nasution conveyed the presentation with the title "Monitoring and Evaluation of the Consistency of the Regional Development Plan Document of East Kalimantan Province in 2015" as the Monitoring and Evaluation Team of the Directorate of Regional Development Planning, Director General of Development Development The Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia that in accordance with the monitoring and evaluation of the East Kalimantan Province RPJMD document in 2013-2018 is good enough when compared to the RPJMD document from other provinces in Indonesia.

The resource person added that the planning, budgeting, implementation, implementation and evaluation policies of regional development results as well as regional government performance and regional financial management accountability to achieve the goals of the state.

Consistency between Changes in Regional Annual Plan (P-RKPD) and Changes in Regional Budget (P-APBD) include: 1. To maintain the consistency between planning and budgeting, the 2013 RKPD changes determined by the regional head regulation are the basis for the preparation of KUA changes and the 2015 PPAS changes to compile the 2015 APBD changes
2. All documents for changes in plan and budget must contain programs/keg/performance/Poksar/location/SKPD ceiling both changing and unchanged

Control and evaluation of the consistency of the translation of the RPJMD into the RKPD of East Kalimantan Province in 2015 includes:
1. Matrix Control and Evaluation of the Translation of the RPJMD into the RKPD of East Kalimantan Province in 2015.
2. Recapitulation of the Description of the RPJMD into the RKPD of East Kalimantan Province in 2015.
3. Evaluation results, temporary conclusions and recommendations.
4. Monitoring and evaluation instruments (for clarification).

Temporary evaluation results _ 2._PESTERA_DSC0003

1. The 2015 East Kalimantan Provincial RKPD Provincial Systematics is in accordance with Permendagri No. 54/2010 Jo Permendagri No. 27/2014; 2. Presentation of material Chapter II: a). Has not yet contained the results of evaluating the implementation of the 2013 Regional Development Programs and Activities as referred to in Permendagri Number 54 of 2010. This indicates the control and evaluation of the 2013 SKPD Renja and SKPD reporting to the Provincial Bappeda has not been effective every quarter; b). Identification of regional development problems in section 2.3. Not yet containing complete criteria/aspects and the field of government affairs as listed in Table T-V.C-69 in Appendix V Permendagri No. 54/2010. So that BLM can explain the development problems of every business that concerns the basic services and tasks /functions of each SKPD, what is the problem in the past and the future and the picture of the solutions offered.
3. Presentation of Material Chapter III:
a. Section 3.1. not yet included national direction in the economic field sourced from RKP documents as contained in Permendagri Number 27/2014;
b. Revenue and expenditure projection for 2015 in Chapter III RKPD and CHAPTER III RPJMD:


4. Presentation of the material Chapter IV has stated the priority formulation and target of the 2015 East Kalimantan Provincial Development based on the results of the analysis of the results of the RKPD implementation of previous years and the planned performance achievements in the RPJMD, identifying strategic issues and urgent issues at the regional and national levels, as well as targets for 2015 as listed in the Regional Regulation on the RPJMD;

5. Presentation of material Chapter V: a). There are 1,031 programs listed in Chapter VIII RPJMD and 1,030 programs in Chapter V RKPD in 2015, implemented by 42 SKPD and 68 UPTD; b). There are 2 programs in the RPJMD that do not contain outcome indicators. Of the 703 indicators and target outcome programs in the RPJMD, 702 consistently described in the RKPD. Therefore, the evaluation of the performance achievements of the RPJMD for 2015 was carried out by assessing the realization of each program in the 2015 RKPD in accordance with the measurable indicators and performance targets (outcomes); c). Of the 1,031 RPJMD programs, which were consistently elaborated into the 2015 RKPD, a total of 1,029 programs with a ceiling of Rp5,348,319,600,649, while the RPJMD ceiling for the same program was Rp.5,351,235,750,000. Thus there is a number of less than Rp2,916,149,351,-); d). The Indicative ceiling of the RPJMD program that has decreased is quite meaningful is the program in the field of investment affairs (Rp2,000,004,000) or (7.99%), and development planning (Rp624,997,636) or (1.12%); e). Indicative ceiling of all programs in the amount of Rp5,348,944,600,649, while the 2015 indicative ceiling in Chapter VIII RPJMD amounted to Rp5,353,685,750,000, so there was a difference in the difference in a number (Rp4,741,149,351,-); f). There are 3 programs with a ceiling of Rp3,075,000,000,- which is not in accordance with the regulation on the RPJMD TTG:


Temporary conclusions

1. There are differences in indications of priority program plans accompanied by funding needs planned in Chapter VIII of the RPJMD for 2015 with what is described in Chapter V RKPD in 2015. In addition, there is also a difference RKPD Prov East Kalimantan 2015.
2. There is an unlanked RPJMD program and unplanned programs in the RPJMD (New Program) in the 2015 East Kalimantan Provincial RKPD.
3. Sector of Youth and Sports Affairs, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Family Planning and Family Welfare, Community and Village Empowerment, Libraries, and Tourism, are fields of affairs that consistently describe the RPJMD Indicative Indicators, Targets and Indicative Ceiling in RKPD (Number of Programs> 5 ). 4. In connection with the number 1 s.d. number 3, the monitoring team needs to clarify.


1. RKPD in 2015 is the second year of the implementation of the RPJMD, because it is the consistency of the translation of the RPJMD into the RKPD every year to continue.
2. CHAPTER V RKPD must present all program plans and regional government activities in 2015, both those that will be grouped in indirect expenditure, direct expenditure, or receipt and expenditure of financing.
3. In the event that there are differences (the addition or reduction of the budget ceiling) or the addition of new programs, a revision of the RPJMD and SKPD Renstra must be made.
4. This is in number 1 to.d. The number 3 indicates that the province of East Kalimantan encourages the provisions of Law Number 32/2004, PP Number 8/2008 and Permendagri Number 54/2010 Jo Permendagri Number 27/2010, and is one of the provinces that can be used as an example for other provinces in organizing governance good (good governance).

(Data source: Regional Development Assessment and Financing, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda and Monitoring and Evaluation Team of Regional Development Planning Directorates, Director General of Regional Development Development of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and published by Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).