Industrial Relocation from Java to Kalimantan
Tarakan, 15/12/14. Provincial Governments throughout Kalimantan who are members of the Regional Development Revitalization and Acceleration Cooperation Forum
Kalimantan (FKRP2RK) held a meeting on Monday, 15/12/14 in the Multipurpose meeting room at the Tarakan Regional General Hospital (RSUD) which was chaired directly by Plt. DR. Ir. H. Rusmadi.MS moderated by Assistant I for Government Affairs Drs. Aji Sayid Faturrahman, M.Si and attended by the Head of Provincial Bappeda throughout Kalimantan along with other officials and related staff totaling approximately 150 people.
In conclusion from the results of the meeting, there were three important points conveyed by Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province and also Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS include: 1). The issue of injustice from the Central Government towards the Regional Government in terms of managing Natural Resources in Kalimantan towards development in the region; 2). Relocation of Industrial Area from Java Island to Kalimantan; 3. Energy and Environment. These three important points will be prioritized in the proposals from the results of the FKRP2RK meeting for the 2014-2019 RPJMN for the Kalimantan Region.
Implementation of a working meeting of the Kalimantan Regional Development Revitalization and Acceleration Cooperation Forum (FKRP2RK) on Monday 15 December 2014 in Tarakan City as a follow-up to the results of the Kalimantan Regional Musrenbang on 4 March 2014 in Balikpapan, Coordination Meeting of Governors throughout Kalimantan which was held on November 5 2014 in Jakarta and November 27 2014 in Balikpapan.
The results of the FKRP2RK agreement in Tarakan City include:
1) Not making Kalimantan Island a place to extract natural resources without providing major benefits to the people of Kalimantan Island
2) The government must prioritize the development of industrial areas and downstreaming with the aim of equitable development and improving the welfare of the people on Kalimantan Island
3) Relocation of industry to Kalimantan Island is needed to bring the processing industry closer to sources of raw materials
4) Accelerating development in State Border Areas
5) Kalimantan Island has land potential and availability of water resources but has not yet contributed optimally to meeting national food needs
6) To support economic growth and investment, infrastructure development and energy supply are needed sufficient.
7) In the context of equitable national development based on justice to support national economic growth, it is required to design development patterns that can accommodate development needs in a fair and equitable manner.
8) Kalimantan Island has great Maritime Geostrategic Potential because it is surrounded by by Indonesian Archipelagic Sea Lanes (ALKI) 1 and 2 so that it is necessary to accelerate the development of inter-island connectivity.
From the matters mentioned above, we agreed to propose priority programs/activities which are expected to be accommodated by the Central Government in the 2015-2019 RPJMN document. Some of the proposed priority programs include:
1) Road and bridge infrastructure. Until now, the construction of the southern, central and northern axles of the Kalimantan Highway and roads with national status has not been completed. Therefore, the Government's commitment is needed to complete the Kalimantan Cross Road and upgrade the road class to class 1 and 2 with a capacity of over 10 tonnes. Apart from that, it is necessary to build strategic roads connecting outlets (airports and ports). (Proposed priority program attached)
2) Air Transportation. Most airports on the island of Kalimantan experience limited airport capacity so construction and development is required in accordance with the Airport Master Plan. (Proposed priority program attached)
3) Sea and Maritime Transportation. Most of the sea ports on Kalimantan Island have not been able to support the development and increase in the loading and unloading flow of goods and passengers, so it is necessary to develop and develop ports in accordance with the Port Master Plan in order to support the Maritime Axis program. (Proposed priority program attached)
4) Railways. In order to speed up the transportation of people and goods to growth centers, it is necessary to develop modes of transportation that have large capacity to reduce transportation costs. For this reason, it is necessary to build a railway network in 5 (five) provinces on the island of Kalimantan. (Proposed priority program attached)
ENERGY. In order to fulfill electrical energy on Kalimantan Island, with an electrification ratio of 66.52%, it is hoped that energy needs can be met by building power plants and networks. Apart from that, it is necessary to increase the fuel oil quota to support community economic activities (Proposed priority program attached)
Food Independence. Food production (rice) on Kalimantan Island is currently 2.7 million tons, with a lowland rice productivity level of 3.6 tons/ha. Overall, the island of Kalimantan can meet its rice needs, except for East Kalimantan. By taking into account future global food issues and building national food security outside Java, taking into account the potential land area and water resources that can be used as raw water sources, Kalimantan Island has the potential to become a national rice granary.
To achieve these goals requires the development of agricultural infrastructure, land optimization and food estate development. (Proposed priority program attached)
Acceleration of border development. In the context of equitable development between regions, both urban and border areas, which is demonstrated by the limited availability of educational, health, communication and transportation facilities, as well as the high prices of basic commodities which can affect the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. To make the border the Home of the Republic of Indonesia, programs/activities are proposed as attached.
Public Relations of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos.