Tuesday, 01 December 2020
East Kalimantan Superior Product Priority
Sangatta, Kutim 4/2/15. Regional Featured Products became the main topic in regional development planning in 2016 during the implementation of opening of the 2015 East Kalimantan Regency/City Bappeda Coordination Meeting in accordance with the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD Theme in 2016 "Increasing the Economic Added Value of Superior Regional Products and Strengthening Intra and Inter-Regional Connectivity ”
This was expressed by Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi, MS representing the Governor of East Kalimantan, DR.H. Awang Faroek Ishak when delivering his speech and opening the 2015 East Kalimantan BAPPEDA Coordination Meeting at the Bukit Pelangi Office Complex Multipurpose Building, East Kutai Regent's Office, Sangatta – Kutim which was attended by participants from Bappenas/Ministries/Institutions of the Republic of Indonesia, SKPD scope of the Provincial Government and Regency/City Bappeda throughout East Kalimantan, Community Figures, NGOs/NGOs, Mass Organizations, all SKPD and sub-district heads within the East Kutai Government number approximately six hundred people.
The implementation of the BAPPEDA Coordination Meeting throughout East Kalimantan in 2015 began with a foreword from the Master of Ceremony (MC) then continued with the performance of a typical Kutai regional dance called Seraung Kutai (welcome) performed by the young men and women of East Kutai in welcoming the participants. and a welcome invitation and then continued with singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya guided by the committee from East Kutai Regency followed by all the participants present and continued with the reading of prayers by the Ministry of Religion of East Kutai Regency, Drs. H. Nanang Gozali, then the report from the chairman of the organizers by the Chair of the East Kutai Regency Bappeda, Suprihanto, followed by the delivery of remarks by the Regent of East Kutai, H. Isran Noor and the peak event was the delivery of the speech by the Governor of Kalimantan, represented by Plt. Regional Secretary of Kalimantan Province, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi, MS also opened the 2015 East Kalimantan BAPPEDA Coordination Meeting.
In his speech the Governor of East Kalimantan said that the 2015 East Kalimantan Bappeda Coordination Meeting was a very important and strategic coordination meeting because this nation had established the 2015 RPJMN -2019 in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 5 of 2015 in accordance with the direction of development policy, how will Nasuiba in the next five years realize the VISION OF INDONESIA 2019, namely the Realization of a Sovereign, Independent and Individualized Indonesia based on Mutual Cooperation.
This is certainly an important guideline, especially this Coordination Meeting, in carrying out synergy and harmonization in formulating policy directions and development priority programs for 2016 by the Governor of East Kalimantan.
Based on the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan Province RPJMD, it is in line with the 2015-2019 RPJMN development policy, with a focus on 6 leading sectors, namely the food, energy, maritime, tourism, infrastructure and human resources sectors.
Report of the Organizing Committee, Head of Bappeda East Kutai Regency, Ir. Suprihanto, CES
In submitting a report on the implementation of the Head of Bappeda, East Kutai Regency with several important points, including:
1. Bappeda Coordination Meeting throughout East Kalimantan in order to convey perceptions of development planning throughout East Kalimantan;
2. Agreement on provincial and district/city programs throughout East Kalimantan;
3. Regency/city Strategic Plan material, with the hope of implementing district/city strategic issues;
4. The implementation of the coordination meeting covers 4 areas, namely, Economics, Human Resources, Infrastructure and Regional Development as well as Government and Apparatus;
A Glance at East Kutai Regency
A glance at East Kutai Regency displays data and information in video form by introducing the history of Kutim, Population, Administration, Economy and existing natural resources.
In addition to introducing history, it also conveys agricultural programs in a broad sense in order to improve the economic sustainability of the community, in collaboration with the TNI, environmental management, public health with the BPJS program, developing technology and information, education, investing in conditions through the motto "Gerbang Taman Makmur ”
Greetings from the Regent of East Kutai, DR.H. Isran Noor
In delivering his speech, the Regent of East Kutai Regency made several important points, including:
1. The Regent of Kutim stated that economic growth statistics from 2012-2013 had decreased in line with the decline in East Kalimantan's economic growth;
2. To overcome this decline in growth, hard work must be done;
3. The decline in Kutim's economic growth was caused by various sectors, including the decline in investment which was not at the same rate as in 2013, in terms of the quantity of investment falling, especially in the plantation, forestry and mining sectors;
4. This is due to the East Kalimantan Governor's moratorium on the mining sector and the Kutim Regent hopes to review the Moratorium;
5. East Kalimantan plays a very big role in the Central Government's GRDP;
6. Special Autonomy efforts require a strong team involving all sectors;
7. Special Autonomy is not always the same, it can differ between regions;
8. The infrastructure of Kutim in particular and East Kalimantan in general is still very minimal, unlike Java which already has very good infrastructure;
9. Development planning throughout Indonesia that needs to be improved in order to improve infrastructure;
10. Regional empowerment in order to generate national development;
11. The Regent of Kutim requested that planning for the development of the Papua semester in Gresik require that the factory be built on primary energy sources;
12. The disparity in prices of goods is not the same between regions, taking for example the price of cement, even though raw materials can be made in each region so prices can be affordable;
13. Investors argue that they cannot build a cement factory in East Kalimantan because there is inadequate infrastructure in the area prepared by the government;
14. Regulation of development services that are closer to regional communities does not need to be carried out in the province, taking the example of C excavation permits in the province;
15. The Regent of Kutim conveyed regulations at the beginning of regional autonomy in the Regency/City;
16. Legislative regulations that overlap responsibilities between the Regency/City and the Governor which is detrimental to the regency/city
17. The Regent of Kutim provides motivation to the younger generation to continue studying and learning;
18. Priority programs that can touch the interests of the community are given priority;
19. Joint development programs with other regions;
20. The regional income contribution is expected to be the same as the GRDP produced by the region;
21. Mining sector taxes, regions never enjoy except royalties;
22. The Kutim Regent's proposal of 15% of East Kalimantan's GRDP could be included in regional development;
23. The struggle for Special Autonomy is not based on ethnicity, but for region;
24. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province is asked to formulate the actual GRDP of East Kalimantan;
25. Development planning for posterity.
Greetings from the Governor of East Kalimantan, represented by Plt. East Kalimantan Provincial Secretary, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS
In delivering his speech the Governor of East Kalimantan made several important points, including:
1. The 2015 Bappeda Coordination Meeting for East Kalimantan was very important and strategic with the 2015-2019 RPJMN being established, covering the food, energy, maritime, tourism, infrastructure and human resources sectors.
2. Evaluation of the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD has experienced many achievements;
3. East Kalimantan's GRDP is the same as GDP per capita, this proves that East Kalimantan's GRDP is not enjoyed by the people of East Kalimantan;
4. The wealth of natural resources is correlated with East Kalimantan's GRDP. This can be grateful for because it is a blessing from God, however, if it is not managed well it will have a negative impact on society;
5. Development of renewable sectors, especially in improving regional superior products which can improve the community's economy;
6. Development of 8 East Kalimantan industrial clusters;
7. Focus on developing industrial clusters in each region;
8. Investment is an important component in East Kalimantan in increasing regional economic growth;
9. Industrialization is the main component in improving the regional economy and even in improving regional culture to encourage regional prosperity;
10. Comprehensive evaluation of permits, especially in establishing a moratorium on the mining sector;
11. Bappeda Coordination Meeting throughout East Kalimantan in 2015 in order to grow the regional economy;
12. The forum identified regional problems in the context of initial preparation of the 2016 East Kalimantan RKPD.
(Public Relations of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos. doc photo Cahyo).