Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Work based on rules
Balikpapan, Thursday, 5/21/15. General Administration Assistant Setwilda of East Kalimantan Province, Dr. Meiliana, SE., M.M with convey enthusiasm in carrying out the duties and topuctions of each SKPD and a very in-depth message that is "Work based on existing rules, not on the personal basis of a leader" he said when opening the event 1. Explanation of SIPPD-SIMDA Integration; 2. SIPPD-SIMDA training for the Assistance Team; 3. Preparation for Implementation of Shopping Standards Analysis in the 10th Floor Meeting Room of the Grand Jatra Hotel in the Balikpapan Super Blok Shopping Complex, Jln. Jenderal Sudirman Balikpapan who was attended by participants totaling approximately 80 people came from East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, East Kalimantan Setwilda Finance Bureau, East Kalimantan Province Setwilda Regional Development Bureau and East Kalimantan Province Setwilda Equipment Bureau.
The agenda of the meeting began with an introduction to the opening by the Head of the Budget of the Finance Bureau, H. Fahmi Prima Laksana by conveying in general about the purpose and purpose of the implementation of the intended agenda.
In the delivery of the Assistant General Administrative Assistant conveying some important things, among others:
1. Working based on applicable systems and rules, not because of personal or a leader, whoever the leader is not a problem because based on the existing system and rules;
2. Cadre in carrying out tasks, because this is very important in maintaining the quality of work; 3. The regeneration is not because the material with the aim of this team becomes more solid;
4. The system must be compact and integrate by taking sample systems models in Korea all use systems;
5. Work must be happy so that it will be easy to carry out the task;
6. Work must be completed in carrying out the task;
7. The Governor expressed his enthusiasm for working before President Jokowi conveyed the work of work ... work ... work;
8. The Governor is expected to get an encouraging report. Presentation of the Head of the Finance Bureau Budget, H. Fahmi Prima like a. Participant questions include:
1. Sendaiya is busy in carrying out other priority work how to deal with it, Hermanto, Finance Bureau; 2. Dalalm RKPD 2016 BLUD Fund is still old data, even though there is already the latest data, whether in this explanation is only an example, Surono, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province;
3. Other policies are included in TAPD; 4. Things that are outside the mechanism in assistance should be clarified what ...?, Hardianto, Financial Bureau;
5. Assistant in the Brige System or in RKA;
6. Who prepares the ATK who is responsible; 7. What Assistant Team should be echelon ..? 8. Can staff be allowed to enter the assistance team ..? 9. Follow up and clarify the previous question about the responsibility of ATK in the SKPD or organizer, Berlin, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province;
10. The operational guidelines for the preparation of the RKA by the Bangda Bureau have been socialized in advance to all SKPDs;
11. Assistance of other mechanisms referred to whether the stages or other outside, Mujakkir, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province;
12. Assistance team members still lack members there should be additional for members of the Assistance Team, Ody, Bappeda Kaltim;
13. Members of the Assistance Team based on their respective topokksi, not the most dominant Bappeda;
14. Is it still allowed additional time for the Assistance Team, H. Buyung, Bappeda East Kalimantan;
15. Assistant equipment that had been agreed was not brought during the assistance, Mirwan, Finance Bureau;
16. Last year the assistance team still received the SKPD even though it did not bring the completeness of the file, is this year also permitted ..? Answer from the resource person, among others:
1. Things that exist outside the mechanism of assistance return to the mechanism based on the agreement, H. Fahmi;
2. If there is a change, it must be confirmed before it is prior to being brought, H. Buyung;
3. The SIPPD team is only as a guard, if the assistance team said to be opened it will be opened;
4. ATK becomes a burden on APBD, H. Fahmi;
5. Each SKPD is expected to carry its own printer so that it will not wait long for a long time;
6. Assistant team members do not lack;
7. Discussion of one SKPD of at least 1 person and there must be additional members of the Bag Up;
8. The team must really work well, Assistant IV;
9. The team's duties must be reported to the assistant;
10. Assistance team members must add;
11. There are 3000 activities that will be assisted and divided into 4 groups, expected to be anticipated the time needed in assistance so that it can be consistent, H. Buyung;
12. Discussion of the time of assistance is filled first and followed up;
13. The composition of the team needs a few additions;
14. Staff are allowed in assistance based on the team's Decree, H. Fahmi;
15. In the ASN Constitution, it will not be echelon, but based on competencies starting in December 2015;
16. Skills / competencies owned by staff are more important than echelon, Assistant IV;
17. The RKA operational socialization will be carried out for the SKPD including the Head of SKPD;
18. There is an agreement that must be agreed upon by the Head of SKPD in the team's work, which will be made by H. Fahmi, Assistant IV;
19. SKPD must bring requirements at the time of assistance signed by the Head of SKPD;
20. Gather all SKPD in equalizing perceptions in Assistant SKPD, H. Fahmi;
21. All can be overcome when using a system with many and different outputs / outputs can be done faster and more efficiency, and not repeatedly Assistant I;
22. It's time to now use a system;
23. There is a photo that processes the requirements for assistance, H. Fahmi;
24. SKPD that does not bring association is expected to be reprimanded. Presentation or Demo of SIPPD-SIMD Integration by H. Buyung Dodi Gunawan, ST., MM Kasubbag Program Planning Bappeda Provincial East Kalimantan
Delivering some important points both participants' questions and answers of speakers among others:
1 . RKPD integration as a design of KUA; 2. The preparation of KUA is based on the system;
3. Facilitating the process of assistance to the system; 4. The system sends data to Simda;
5. The Assistance Team conveys information to open a system for SKPD and if it is Selesia, it will be closed and will be transferred to Simda;
6. If there is a change, it is carried out according to the procedure;
7. When finished, the color becomes green;
8. Lack of ceiling will be carried out entry through the Brige System;
9. If the number is in accordance with the ceiling it will be locked and transferred to SIMDA and initial assistance is carried out;
10. The ceiling whose status is red, meaning that it cannot be transferred;
11. Assistance at which stage ..? Berlin;
12. After the DPRD's response and there is a change in the budget who collects and who is the entry ...?
13. Stages are parallel for 1 week or depending on the agreement;
14. If there is a change in TAPD, it must change the relevant SKPD Renja;
15. The Bridge System application is a separate application from SIPPD;
16. Each SKPD user is multi user;
17. SKPD Ceiling After being transferred all to RAPBD;
18. Data on the Bridge System with SIMDA synchronous to become an APBD;
19. Purple is a priority program in the RPJMD; 20. Activities that are outside the minutes cannot be edited;
21. The number of characters in the Bridge System application is only 10 characters;
22. Color agreement when the assistant is still red, how about it ..? Surono 23. Report is made what is the difference between the previous stages per SKPD so that it can find out the difference, Java H. Buyung;
24. Data recap on each SKPD, H. Fahmi;
25. Add another stage to lock the results first, then then transfer. H. Buyung;
26. What is the salary and grant in this system ..? H. Fahmi;
27. Whether the Simda server is separate between BL and BTL will be reviewed ... H. Buyung;
28. One database in SIMDA and in the Bridge System application, Taufan;
29. When transferred non BL is not disturbed;
30. Before being transferred BL was locked, if it was agreed before the 7th, it was included in the Minutes, H. Buyung;
31. BTL assistance uses hardcopy;
32. BL Assistance using the application;
33. There is no re -entry, there are indicative adjustments;
34. Proposed name of the Bridge System to the participants;
35. Planning and Budgeting System, Assistant I Proposed
36. Sigam (joint and budgeting system) of East Kalimantan Province, Suono Proposal;
37. Provincial Planning and Budgeting System. Kaltim, H. Fahmi;
38. Provincial Planning and Budgeting Integration System. Kaltim, (sippkaltim.com) and (sippkaltim.go.id) approved by participants based on voting.
(Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos).