Saturday, 28 November 2020
Coordination of corruption prevention actions
Samarinda, Friday 24/7/15. Secretary of the East Kalimantan Regional Inspectorate, Hj. Noryani Sorayalita, SE., MMT leads the Inputing preparation meeting Data on Actions for the Prevention and Eradication of Cooperatives (PPK) 2015 in the meeting room of the East Kalimantan Regional Inspectorate office, Jl. Gajah Mada No. 2 Samarinda. Participants totaling approximately 50 people came from the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda and SKPD related to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Regency/City Bappeda throughout East Kalimantan.
Hj. Noryani Sorayalita said that the Regional Government Corruption Prevention and Eradication Action Coordination Team is preparing Regional Government Corruption Prevention and Eradication Actions with reference to actions to prevent and eradicate corruption.
Meanwhile 6 (six) Regional Government Corruption Prevention and Eradication Actions 2015 as stated in Presidential Instruction Number 7 of 2015 concerning PPK Actions in 2015, including:
1. Delegation of all authority to issue permits and non-permits in the regions to One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP) institutions;
2. Increasing transparency in regional budget management;
3. Publication of Regional Development Plan documents and Regional Apparatus Unit Work Plans;
4. Establishment and strengthening of the main and supporting duties and functions of Information and Documentation Management Officers (PPIP);
5. Implementation of transparency and accountability in the procurement mechanism for goods and services;
6. Simplification of licensing and the number, requirements, time and licensing procedures in the regions.
Furthermore, the Chairman of the Meeting stated that the Electronic Procurement Services (LPSE) of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) on October 1 2014 had received an LPSE Standardization Certificate from the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP).
Obtaining this certificate is a form of appreciation for the implementation of international standards which refer to the ISO27001 framework regarding Information Security Management Systems and ISO20000 and IT Service Management/Service Management Systems at the Central BMKG LPSE.
This momentum is also a new encouragement for the Central LPSE BMKG and UPT in looking at the future of the organization and starting steps forward with new enthusiasm and new hopes.
LPSE BMKG Center has received 17 certificates from LKPP, namely:
1. Service Policy Standards;
2. Service Organization Standards;
3. Service Asset Management Standards;
4. Service Risk Management Standards;
5. Helpdesk Service Management Standards;
6. Change Management Standards;
7. Capacity Management Standards;
8. Human Resource Management Standards;
9. Device Security Management Standards;
10. Service Operational Security Management Standards;
11. Server and Network Security Management Standards;
12. Service Continuity Management Standards;
13. Service Budget Management Standards;
14. Service Support Management Standards;
15. Standards for Managing Relationships with Service Users;
16. Compliance Management Standards;
17. Internal Assessment Standards.
The implementation of these seventeen ISO standards is an effort by the Central BMKG LPSE to provide excellent service and maintain the trust of stakeholders and providers within the Central BMKG and UPT. It is hoped that this achievement can increase public confidence in accessing information on LPSE BMKG and serve as motivation to develop and maintain the performance of LPSE BMKG.
The duties and functions of Provincial and Regency/City Bappeda in implementing Local Government Corruption Prevention and Eradication Actions include:
1. Carry out and report on the success of the action to publish Regional Development Plan documents and Regional Work Plans according to the 8 column format (F8K);
2. Maintain the confidentiality of the account (username and password) of the monitoring system;
3. Input all reports on the success of the 2015 Regional Government PPK actions from each action implementation work unit every quarter to be reported on the monitoring system website: https://serambi;
4. Specifically for the Provincial Bappeda, it verifies the reporting of the success achievements of the 2015 Regional Government PPK actions of Regencies and Cities in their regions every quarter.
Public Relations of Bappeda of East Kalimantan/Sukandar Province, S.Sos