
Wednesday, 11 October 2023



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Dissemination of Policy: The National Tourism Development Index (IPKN) as a strategy to encourage tourism development in a strong and sustainable region

Samarinda, (11/10/2023). Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province attended the Dissemination of Policy: National Development Index (IPKN) online in order to synergize sustainable tourism development.

At present, the assessment of the tourism development index is measured in the Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI). TTDI is a direct evolution of reports of measurement of travel competitiveness index and tourism. In the RPJMN (National Medium-Term Development Plan) 2020-2024, Indonesia is targeted to rank 29-34 in TTDI.

In order to increase TTDI at the global level, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) launched a GPA (National Tourism Development Index).

Director of Strategic Management of Kemenparekraf, Ika Kusuma Permana Sari, mentioned in his remarks,

"One of the efforts of Kemenparekraf to improve the TTDI Indonesia ranking is to launch the National Tourism Development Index (IPKN). This IPKN aims to improve and build tourism to all regions in Indonesia," he said.

The main objective of being sparked by the GPI is to increase the importance of the development of a tough and sustainable tourism ecosystem in Indonesia so as to increase global ranking in TTDI.

This underlies Kemenparekraf to hold a policy dissemination event: National Development Index (IPKN) at the Grand Inna Hotel, Bali as a strategy to encourage tourism development in a formidable and sustainable region. Attended by all Bappeda agencies, the Tourism Office and Bappelitbang existing throughout Indonesia to take part in the series of events that were held luring and online.

In order for the Regional Government to be committed in the development of tourism in the regions, Kemenparekraf compiled an IPKN assessment in 2022 with five sub-categories, namely the Enabling Environment Index Sub Category, the Travel and Tourism Index Sub-category of the Enabling Condition, Travel and Tourism Sustainability Index.

East Kalimantan itself is ranked 10th in the assessment of IPKN in 2022 with a value above the national average. However, this needs to be improved by developing an integrated strategy in the national tourism development index in a sustainable manner.

In the Dissemination event this policy was filled with the presentation of three speakers namely Prof. Dr. Phil. Janianton Damanik, Professor of UGM Tourism Study Center, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Pitana, Professor of Udayana University and Dr. Dra. Erliani Budi Lestari as Directorate of Synchronization of Regional Government Affairs III, the Directorate General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

It is expected that by holding the dissemination of this policy it can make tourism development as a regional development priority by integrating indicators of IPKN to realize strong and sustainable tourism.



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