
Thursday, 12 October 2023



562 times seen

Exposure to Seminar on Research Results on the Accessibility of National Roads on Development in the Kalimantan Region

Samarinda, (12/10/2023). Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the field of infrastructure and region, Mr. Fryma Putra Pratama attended the exposure of seminars on the results of national road accessibility research on development in the Kalimantan Regional at the Puri Senyiur Hotel Samarinda.

The event was opened by the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Research and Innovation (BRIDA), Mrs. Charmarijaty and continued with the presentation of research results from the presenter of Mr. Muhammad Hadid as Professor of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology Kalimantan and discussed by two speakers, Mr. Purnyoto as the Head of the Division of Road Infrastructure Development, Directorate General of Bina Marga, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing and Mr. Hariadi Purwatmoko as Head of the Division of Bina Marga, Public Works Department of Spatial Planning and Public Housing.

To note, expose the seminar of this result discusses the results of team research (Brida) in examining national road accessibility as a reference in the construction of road access that leads to the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN). Therefore, this research was conducted to increase the accessibility of national roads from IKN or to IKN.

The purpose of this research is to identify the condition of the national road section that connects the regional province of Kalimantan and conduct an inventory of national road access to IKN.

the area in the scope of this research study is divided into four, namely route 1 along ± 1665.02 km from IKN and ends at the Pontianak city boundary, route 2 with a length of ± 1668.02 KM, route 3 with a length of ± 1539.26 km and route 4 to the capital city of North Kalimantan Province with a travel route length of ± 705.39 km. (Detailed information can be seen the picture below).

The results of this research indicate that the accessibility and connectivity of the national road network in Kalimantan which is reviewed in terms of safety, comfort, cost and also the travel time in general shows good accessibility, and the level of The service of all Trans Kalimantan routes shows stable current performance.

However, there are several areas or roads, especially urban areas, there is a decrease in speed due to the density of traffic vehicles.

The results of this research data are useful as a policy recommendation related to improvement in the field of transportation on a priority scale handling the improvement of national roads between provinces in the Kalimantan regional. In addition, the results of the research can also be material for the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda in preparing long -term planning documents that are in the current preparation process.



#ExposceseminarSisEt Accessibility of the Nationality of the National Road to the Regional Development of the RegreementKaltim

#infrastructure and the edge of the field


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