
Wednesday, 18 December 2024



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Expose the results of the Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) parameter study in 2019-2023

Head of the Economy and Natural Resources of Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province opened the Expose Activity Results of the Lncremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) Parameter (ICOR) Parameter Study.

Through activities that were also attended by various stakeholders consisting of elements of BPS East Kalimantan, Brida East Kalimantan, DPMPTSP, and elements of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Planning, it is hoped that valuable responses and suggestions from investment and business stakeholders can be obtained in order to increase investment in order to increase regional economic growth in dealing with economic transformation.

The main results of this expose will then be the basis for improving the results of the East Kalimantan ICOR parameter study in 2019-2023.

To note, ICOR is an indicator number that shows the addition of additional capital needed to raise/add one output unit in the economy of an area. The details are as follows:
ICOR is less than 3 - very efficient;
ICOR is said to be efficient when between 3 and 5; icor more than 5 - less efficient;
ICOR is negative - can be ignored.

East Kalimantan ICOR in 2023 is 2.58, which means an additional investment of 2.58 units is needed to add 1 output unit in the East Kalimantan economy. This ICOR value shows that investment in East Kalimantan is quite efficient compared to ICOR Indonesia of 6.73. Sektor-sektor dengan ICOR efisien (di bawah 5) meliputi perikanan, pertambangan, industri alat angkutan, industri pengolahan lainnya, perdagangan dan reparasi, hotel dan restoran, transportasi, pergudangan dan komunikasi, serta jasa lainnya.

Lebih lanjut, ICOR dapat dimanfaatkan untuk perencanaan pembangunan di Kalimantan Timur, seperti mengidentifikasi sektor prioritas investasi, mengukur target pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan merumuskan strategi transformasi ekonomi dengan fokus pada sektor potensial diluar Mining.

In addition, the study of ICOR becomes very important and interesting to encourage increased investment in order to increase regional economic growth. Through this study, it is expected that it can be seen
The cause of the high number of ICOR, so that appropriate policy material recommendations can be formulated in order to encourage investment that ultimately creates high and equitable economic growth.