
Wednesday, 11 October 2023



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Regency/City Poverty Consolidation in East Kalimantan

Balikpapan, (10/10/2023). Head of Government and Human Development, Mr. Mispoyo chaired the meeting of the Poverty Consolidation of Regency/City in East Kalimantan in the meeting room of the Kayan Hotel Swissbell, Balikpapan. The meeting was held for two days starting on 10-11 October 2023 and attended by all Bappelitbang and Social Services throughout East Kalimantan.

This consolidation was held in order to reduce poverty in East Kalimantan according to Presidential Instruction No. 4 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Extreme Poverty Elimination. In the consolidation, verification and data validation is carried out for acceleration of extreme poverty removal.

The commitment of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in alleviating poverty is listed in the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan) in 2024-2026. On the development target 'Increasing the economic empowerment of the poor', it is targeted to touch the figure of 0.894 in the poverty depth index and 0.204 in the poverty severity index in 2026.

Bureaucracy Reform Poverty alleviation was chosen as one of the focus in the environment of East Kalimantan Province. To achieve this, several things are carried out including identifying the distribution and characteristics of the poor to find out the location of the focus and plan the budget in the implementation of poverty alleviation from the support of all sectors.

As information, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture issued data by name by address managed by the Provincial, Regency and City Governments in East Kalimantan, thus facilitating the process of alleviating poverty to the sub-district, village and also kelurahan levels.

With this consolidation meeting, it is expected that the district/city government can synergize with the provincial government to reduce poverty in East Kalimantan.



#Consolidation of Poverty in the District of Kotasekaltim2023

#government and human development
