Kubar Regency RPJMD Ranwal Consultation
Wednesday, July 7, 2021. Consultation of the RPJMD Kubar Regency
In accordance with Permendagri Number 86 of 2017 the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan through the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda facilitates the initial draft of the RPJMD West Kutai Regency in Virtual through the Zoom Meeting application.
according to the Head of West Kutai Regency Bappeda Achievement Macro Indicator Kubar Regency in 2020 for economic growth of -2.92% with a target of achievement at 2026 of 5.76%, HDI 2020 of 71.19 with a target of 2026 74.57, poverty rate in 2020 9.29 with a target of 2026 with a target of 2026 with a target of 2026 with a target of 2026 with a target 4.97 with a target of 2026 of 4.01, per capita income in 2020 amounted to 183.84 with the target of 2026 of 213.87, and the Gini Index in 2020 was 0.338 with a target of 2026 of 0.332.
The policy direction of the Kubar Regency in 2021 was focused on optimizing the power of the leading subsector to improve the economy of the local community, then in 2022 the improvement of the infrastructure that supported the people's economy and connectivity in the context of accelerating development and economic recovery, in 2023 improvement in the quality of human resources to support quality economic growth, 2024 Increasing the development of the commodity. Leading, 2025 Increasing and equitable quality of human resources, infrastructure and added value of local economic products in order to realize a fair, independent and prosperous Kutai based on the people's economy, and in 2026 policy direction to realize the vision of West Kutai development is more just, independent and prosperous based on the people's economy and increasing human resources.