
Tuesday, 24 September 2024



408 times seen

Monitoring Public Information Openness in 2024

Samarinda (09/24/2024) - Head of General Subdivision Achmad Risa and Head of P2EPD Alfino Rinaldi Arief were present at a work meeting for filling in the Monitoring of Public Information Monitoring in 2024. This agenda was held as Part of the monitoring by the Central Information Commission, with the aim of maintaining an informative title for the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan. in his remarks, Secretary Sri Wahyuni ​​also emphasized the shared responsibility in terms of information disclosure. . Our public space has a moral responsibility to continue to update and update the information needed by the community regularly. "

Head of Diskominfo, Faisal, convey the importance of monitoring public information conducted every year. He explained that currently entering the first stage of the questionnaire and registration.

"In 2023, East Kalimantan managed to rank 8 with a value of 93.64 in public information disclosure. In order to maintain the informative predicate, cooperation in each regional apparatus is needed, "said Faisal.
better in East Kalimantan. /P>

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