Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Musrenbangnas 2016 Priority Program Pro People
Jakarta, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the National Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbangnas) in 2016 encourage the private sector to work on the development of infrastructure projects through the Public Private Partnership (PPP) system so that infrastructure projects can be more Quickly realized. If the private sector does not carry out development, the government can move through the role of Government -Owned Enterprises (BUMN). "If you can't, then the APBN funds are disbursed".
This was revealed by the Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Sofyan Djalil when delivering a speech while opening the Musrenbangnas event in the Jakarta Bidakara Hotel Meeting Room, Wednesday 20/4/2016 was attended by Governor DIY and Governor of West Java, Regent, Mayor who received awards, all Heads of Bappeda throughout Indonesia, Ministries/Institutions.
Furthermore, the Minister of Bappenas said that the implementation of the 2016 Musrenbangnas in the context of the preparation of the Government Work Plan (RKP) in 2017 will improve the calculation system and study using a better mechanism. This time Musrenbangnas seeks to discuss in depth every development priority involving ministries/institutions and provincial bappeda throughout Indonesia.
Sofyan Djalil Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Bappenas Agency of the Republic of Indonesia emphasized that the 2016 Musrenbangnas was trilateral meeting, where between the ministries/institutions met with the SKPD Regional Work Unit) To coordinate in the framework of the preparation of the 2017 Government Work Plan, it can work together between national development planning and regional development plans. Bappenas has the authority as an integrated system for non-operational programs. In addition, Bappenas also acted as Central which coordinated between ministries/institutions and between the center and the region.
The Mechanism of the Implementation of the previously invited Musrenbangnas, including all Governors, Regents/Mayors in Indonesia, Heads of Bappeda throughout Indonesia and officials scope of the Ministry/Institution.
While the opening of the 2016 Musrenbangnas Governor, Regents /Mayors throughout Indonesia is not invited, specifically invited to the regional head will get an award of the Pangripta Nusantara Award at the provincial and district/city level or who succeeded in getting the award for the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS). â € œWhe mechanism we change, but the substance is better. This year's Musrenbangnas go to substance, go and talk about the substance "." Said the Minister of Bappenas.
The purpose of implementing the 2016 Musrenbangnas in the framework of the 2017 Government Work Plan Document (RKP). While the theme carried, namely, "Records Infrastructure and Economic Development to Increase Employment Opportunities and Reduce Poverty and gaps between regions.
This opportunity is also used to provide the Provincial and Regency/City Level Pangripta Nusantara Award (APN) and the 2016 Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) awards in 2016. After opening, it is scheduled Musrenbangnas takes place from Thursday 21 April to May 4.
Announcements that have succeeded in receiving awards both the Pangripta Nusantara Award at the provincial and district/city levels and who succeeded ), while for the first prize will be announced on May 11, 2016 at the closing of the Musrenbangnas which will be attended by all Governors and Regents/Mayors in Indonesia and all Heads of Provincial Bappeda throughout Indonesia.
on the closing agenda planned to be attended directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir.H. Joko Widodo or better known as Jokowi will discuss several agendas in the activity. Every discussion of development priority programs is carried out in depth by involving ministries/institutions and provincial Bappeda throughout Indonesia. Right on May 11, 2016, continued the signing of the 2017 RKP document by President Jokowi at the Palace.
"all programs implemented by both the central government and by the local government are expected to achieve goals, support each other, synchronize each other and a little distortion. One problem is beaten by various sectors and is financed through ministries/institutions, APBD, Special Allocation Funds (DAK), village funds or from other shah sources, "said Sofyan Djalil Minister Bappenas. (Sukandar/Bappeda Kaltim).