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Pangripta Nusantara Prov. East Kalimantan 2016

samarinda, Monday 21/3/2016. style = "margin: 3px; border: 2px outset #e8e7d7; float: left;" src = "" alt = "1a._dprd_kaltim_2016" width = " Phase 2 in the Assessment of Pangripta Nusantara Award at the provincial level in Indonesia in 2016.

This was conveyed by the Main Assessment Team, Suharman, S.Kom., M.Sc (Head of the Center for Data and Information Planning for Bappenas Development) when delivering the General Explanation of the Implementation of the Pangripta Nusantara Anugrah 2016 on Phase II Assessment: Field Verification Process of Development of the Development Planning of East Kalimantan Province at the Group Discussion Forum (FGD) event in the framework of the Pangripta Nusantara Award RKPD of East Kalimantan Province in 2016 in the Repeta Meeting Room of the 2nd Floor of Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province Jl. Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda. The main assessment team was accompanied by an independent assessment team, Sonny Harry B. Harmadi, SE., ME (University of Indonesia) and the Technical Assessment Team, Anang Gunawan from Bappenas.

Assessment of the Pangripta Nusantara Award of East Kalimantan Province in 2016 in the context of the field verification of the process of developing the development planning of the Province of East Kalimantan by the Main Assessment Team, the Independe Assessment Team, the Technical Assessment Team was attended by the Head of the Transportation Agency East Kalimantan Province, dr. Ir. H. Zairin Zain, M.Sc; Inspector of the Inspectorate of East Kalimantan Province, Muhammad Sa'duddin, AK; Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Setwilda Finance Bureau, Fadliansyah, SE; Head of the Regional Development Bureau of Setwilda of East Kalimantan Province, Ir. H. Salman Lumoindong, M.Sc; Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Plantation Office, Ir. Hj. Etnawati, MSi; and representatives of the SKPD scope of the Provincial Government of Kalimantan and also attended by the Head of Bappeda City of Balikpapan, Bappeda Samarinda City, Bappeda Bontang City.

Representatives from Politics or DPRD of East Kalimantan Province also attended the Chairman of Commission II, Eddy Kurniawan, SE from the PDIP Faction; H. Masykur Sarmian, S.Pdi., MM from the PKS Faction; Baharuddin Demmu, S.Pi from the PAN Faction; Veridiana Huraq Wang, S.Pd., MM from the PDIP faction; Zain Taufik Nurrohman, S.Hut from the PAN Faction; Wibowo Handoko, SH., MH from the Democratic Faction, Rita Barito from the Golkar Faction.

While representatives from technocratic or academics include: 1). Prof. Dr. Ir. Mustofa Agung Sardjono (Vice Rector I of Unmul Samarinda); 2). Prof. Dr. Hj. Enny Rochaida, SE., M.Sc (Lecturer in the Faculty of Economics, Unmul Samarinda); 3). Dr.Ir. Suyadi, MS (Lecturer in the Faculty of Agriculture, Unmul); 4). Drs. H. Abdulah Karim, MS (Lecturer in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Unmul). 8._Perta

while participants present from the private sector include: 1). Isman Saladin (Indonesian Cassava Community); 2). Muhammad Djafar (Association of Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs). Participants who attended from the community organization sector include: 1). Niel Makinuddin (TNC); 2). Ade Cahya (Giz); Wiwin Effendi (WWF). Participants from the Massya media who attended RRI Samarinda and TVRI East Kalimantan. Whereas from other stakeholders present are Watersheds (DAS) and KTNA.

In his remarks the main assessment team, Suherman S.Kom., M.Si conveyed the background of the 2016 Provincial Pangripta Nusantara Award Assessment at: 1). UU no. 25/2004, regarding SPPN explained that good planning is one of the determinants of the success of achieving national development goals and objectives; 2). Each region has different issues, characteristics and capacities in the preparation of development planning documents. Efforts to improve the quality of planning documents, Bappenas gave appreciation to the regions that succeeded in preparing the development plan documents well; 3). Through this appreciation/award, it is expected to be able to provide encouragement for the regions to always improve the quality of development plan documents, as well as strengthen the synergy of development planning between sectors, between regions and regions and between the center and the region.

Organizer of the 2016 Provincial Pangripta Nusantara Award Assessment Activities is the Deputy for Regional Development Coordinating with the Deputy for Monitoring, Evaluation and Development Control (PEPP), and the APN Assessment Team consists of an Independent Assessment Team and The team originated from the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas. The team from Bappenas consists of: 1). The main assessment team which is a representative of echelon II officials; 2). Technical Assessment Team which is a representative of echelon III officials and functional planning officials.

While the submission of a presentation from the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda for 10 minutes was delivered by Yusliando, ST Head of the Interest and Regional Development Division with the title Focus Group Discussion East Kalimantan development with reference to development policies must have a basis for relevant problems so that public policy has careful consideration as a basis for determining development priorities.

Furthermore Yusliando said that the vision and mission of East Kalimantan in accordance with the 2013-2018 RPJMD, with the vision of "Realizing East Kalimantan Prosperous and Fair -Based on Agro -Industry and Environmental Energy" and 5 Missions among them : 1). Focus on human resources by realizing the quality of East Kalimantan human resources that are independent and highly competitive; 2). Focus on economic competitiveness by realizing economic competitiveness based on natural resources and renewable energy; 3). Focus on infrastructure by realizing quality basic infrastructure for the community evenly; 4). Focus on governance by realizing professional governance, transparent and oriented to public services; 5). Focus on the environment by realizing good and healthy environmental quality and climate change.

While the development target according to the RPJMD of East Kalimantan Province in 2013-2018 includes: 1). Increased Human Development Index (HDI); 2). Increased literacy rates; 3). Increased average length of school; 4). Meningkatnya angka harapan hidup; 5). Meningkatnya pendapatan perkapita; 6). Menurunnya tingkat kemiskinan; 7). Menurunnya tingkat pengangguran; 8). Meningkatnya daya beli masyarakat; 9). Menurunannya Indeks Gini; 10). Increased quality economic growth; 11). Increased contribution of the agricultural sector in the broad sense which is the superior of the region; 12). The achievement of food self -sufficiency; 13). Increased use of renewable energy; 14). Increased community satisfaction with basic infrastructure services; 15). The realization of a clean and free government of KKN; 16). The realization of an increase in the quality of public services; 17). Increased capacity and accountability of performance; 18). Increased environmental quality index; 19). Decreased greenhouse gas emission level.

The theme of East Kalimantan development in 2016 "Increasing the economic added value of regional superior products and stabilizing intra and between regions" with the East Kalimantan Priority Program in 2016, among others: 1). Improving the quality of education administration; 2). Improving the quality of health services; 3). Acceleration of poverty alleviation; 4). Improvement and expansion of employment opportunities; 5). Populist economic development; 6). Acceleration of economic transformation; 7). Fulfillment of environmentally friendly energy needs; 8). Agribusiness development; 9). Increased food production; 10). Improving the quality of basic infrastructure; 11). Bureaucratic Reform and Governance and 12). Improving the quality of the environment. (Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos).

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