Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Launch of Policy Paper to Address and Prevent the Impact of Covid-19 on Children and Vulnerable Individuals
Samarinda, (28/09/2020). The Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas launched a policy working paper with the theme "Running against time: Policy Input to Overcome and Prevent the Impact of Covid-19 on children and Vulnerable Individuals.”
This activity was carried out virtually via the Zoom Meeting application and was attended by Bappeda from 33 Provinces and 260 Regencies/Cities in Indonesia, including Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province which was represented by Social Welfare Sub-Sector staff. Also present were the Ministry of Women's and Children's Empowerment, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Coordination. Human Development and Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesian Child Protection Commission, National Commission on Violence Against Women, as well as Development Partners KOMPAK, UNICEF, DFAT, Mahkota, and INOVASI.
Currently the Covid-19 pandemic has the potential to multiply or create new vulnerabilities in certain groups, however, current social protection programs still mostly refer to definitions of vulnerability that are closely related to poverty. Therefore, this activity provides a broader understanding of the definition of vulnerability during the COVID 19 pandemic to ensure that the treatment and rehabilitation programs carried out by the government are inclusive and have taken into account the characteristics of different vulnerabilities and needs in various community groups.
In general, children are a group that is vulnerable to Covid-19 transmission, based on data obtained, conditions that increase children's vulnerability to transmission are that children aged 12-23 months do not receive complete basic immunization amounting to 42.1%, 50.4% of tuberculosis cases occurred in children under five and 467,383 cases of pneumonia occurred in children under five in 2019.
Apart from the vulnerability of transmission to children, vulnerability also occurs to women in the form of domestic violence. During this pandemic, psychological and economic violence dominated vulnerable women, namely aged 30-31, who earned less than 5 million with 3-5 or more children. The impact on maternal and child health was around 36% of respondents stated that they often reduced food portions. due to financial problems.
Talking about the impact of Covid-19 on children in terms of economics and welfare, it is the reduction in children's welfare due to parents experiencing a decrease in income and loss of livelihood.
In terms of education, the distance learning policy is still hampered by teachers not being ready for online learning materials, and students' psychology regarding their children's learning motivation is reduced, such as boredom, difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping , stressed, and tired. Apart from that, the challenges for children in the distance learning program based on Rapid Needs Assessment data are that 37% of children cannot manage their study time, 30% of children have difficulty understanding lessons, 21% of children do not understand teacher instructions.
Another impact on children in terms of child protection is that the increasing intensity of children using gadgets has the potential to give rise to cases of online bullying and crime through online media. Child protection interventions during the Covid 19 pandemic.
Therefore, through this working paper, it is hoped that the Government will commit to reducing the decline in people's welfare through various forms of assistance programs, especially for those who are below the poverty line.
Central and regional governments must prepare policies that are able to address the sources of vulnerability of children and special groups.
(Humas BappedaKaltim/fat)