
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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Electronic Civil Servant Data Collection

Samarinda, Tuesday 1/9/15. Socialization of the 2015 Electronic Civil Servant (PNS) Re-registration System (e-PUPNS) within the Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province was delivered by Head of Documentation and Information, Rusmiati from the Regional Civil Service Agency of East Kalimantan Province in the meeting room Poldas floor I Bappeda East Kalimantan Province Jl. Kusuma Bangasa Number 2 Samarinda was attended by the Secretary, Head of Division, Head of Subdivision, Head of Subdivision and staff from the East Kalimantan Bappeda.

The socialization event was opened by Plh. Head of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province and also Secretary, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si, said that it is important to collect data on civil servants within the East Kalimantan Bappeda in order to update the relevant data.

Meanwhile, Rusmiati, Head of Documentation and Information Division of the East Kalimantan Province BKD, conveyed the socialization that the legal basis for implementing the socialization of the Civil Servant Re-Registration System is 1. Law no. 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus, and 2. Perka BKN 19 of 2015 Guidelines for Electronic Implementation of PUPNS in 2015.

Rusmiati continued her presentation by providing background, including:
1. The last PUPNS activity was carried out in 2003 -> PUPNS needs to be carried out periodically at least once every 10 years;
2. Building a monitoring and evaluation function for personnel data to improve and maintain data accuracy;
3. Building civil servants' sense of awareness and ownership of their personnel data;
4. Reorganizing the personnel information system according to the mandate in Law no. 5 of 2014 concerning ASN;
5. Dynamics of organizational changes and regional expansion, as well as changes in personnel management including ASN management;
6. Specific data needs (PNS welfare data such as Housing, Health, Insurance, Education).

The aim of implementing the socialization of the civil servant re-registration system is to obtain accurate, reliable and integrated data, as a basis for the need to develop an ASN personnel information system that supports rational management of ASN as a state apparatus resource.

The scope of data required includes: 1). Basic Personnel Data (Core Data); 2). Historical Data consists of data on Rank, Education, Position, Family, etc.; 3). Socioeconomic (welfare) data for civil servants consists of data on children's education, housing; 4). Others (civil servant stakeholders): BPJS, Bapertarum, KPE.