Review of Banana Plantation in Kaliorang Village (Tunas Harapan Jaya Farmers Group), East Kutai
Inspecting the location of the Banana Farm (Tunas Harapan Jaya farmer group) in Kaliorang Village, East Kutai
The next location visited by the Governor of East Kalimantan and his work visit group in a series of working visits to the northern region on the second day (Saturday, 18 December 2021) was the location of the banana plantation in Kaliorang village which is managed by the Tunas Harapan Jaya farmer group.
At this location, several agendas carried out include planting and harvesting Kepok bananas; delivery of corn planting equipment; delivery of Presidential Assistance for Productive Micro Enterprises (BPUM); and an audience with the Tunas Harapan Jaya farmer group.
The Secretary and representatives of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda were also present to accompany the Governor of East Kalimantan in the inspection activity of the location of the banana center.
We all need to know that East Kutai Regency has been designated by the Central Government as a banana kepok food estate area with an area of approximately 1270 hectares spread across Kaliorang, Kaubun, Sangkulirang and Karangan. The various banana products produced are not only distributed to the local and regional areas of Kalimantan, but have penetrated the export market with total revenues reaching more than 18 billion.
Seeing these conditions, the Governor of East Kalimantan welcomed and motivated the community members to continue to innovate in cultivating and marketing the kepok bananas produced. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government will continue to strive to provide support for the development of Kepok banana cultivation, especially in East Kutai Regency.
#monitoring Evaluationkaltim
#regional development
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