Preparation of Regional Action Plan (RAD) Sustainable Development Development Purpose (TPB/SDGs) in 2024-2029
Samarinda, (10/10/2023). The Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda attended the Public Discussion I "Preparation of the Regional Action Plan (RAD) of the Sustainable Development Development Purpose (TPB/SDGs) in 2024-2029" at the Mercure Hotel Samarinda.
The event began with a remarks from Mr. Yusliando as the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province. In his remarks, Mr. Yusliando stated that the Regional Action Plan (RAD) determined through East Kalimantan Governor Regulation No. 79 of 2019 has entered the last year, so that the RAD TPB/SDGs the next period needs to be implemented in an integrated manner with the target indicator of the RPJMD (Renacana Regional Medium -Term Development). "Public Discussion I Preparation of Regional Development Action Plan for Sustainable Development Objectives or SDGs in 2024-2029 is a mandate from Presidential Regulation Number 111 of 2022 concerning the achievement of the objectives of the implementation of sustainable development, so that local governments at the provincial level must prepare the TPB/SDGs Action Plan (RAD)
This year's public discussion was held online and luring which was attended and opened by Mrs. Sri Wahyuni as the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province. The participants in public discussions included related OPDs, Assistant Government and People's Welfare, Economy and General Secretariat of the East Kalimantan Regional Secretariat, Chairperson of the East Kalimantan CSR Forum, Academics Leaders, Philanthropy, Mining Sector Companies, Industry, Oil and Gas, Manufacturing, Palm Oil and Forestry Plantation and the East Kalimantan mass media leaders.
In the public discussion event, four speakers were presented including Mr. Rahman Kurniawan as the National Secretariat SDG’s explained about the involvement of the parties in the preparation and achievement of TPB/SDGs, Ms. Yusniar Juliana as Head of BPS (Central Statistics Agency) From the SDGs Center LP2M Unmul discussed the effectiveness of TPB data in evaluating the performance of regional apparatuses, Mrs. Rahmina as East Kalimantan SDGs experts who discussed the steps that must be taken in the preparation for the achievement of TPB/SDGs and Mr. Edy Cahyadi, M.Eng. as an expert on the TPB/SDGs application developer who explains about the procedures for filling out the TPB/SDGs RAD/SDGs data forming forms.
To be known, the purpose of TPB/SDGs is development that involves world leaders and stakeholders as a whole that includes 17 objectives and 169 indicators, namely maintaining an increase in the economic welfare of the community in a sustainable manner, maintaining the sustainability of the social life of the community, the quality of the environment and the implementation of governance and the implementation of governance that maintains the improvement of the quality of life to the next generation. TPB/SDGs emphasizes the principle of no one left behind or no one is left behind either in the fulfillment of human rights, poverty management including vulnerable groups and disabilities.
According to Ms. Yusniar Juliana as the Head of BPS of East Kalimantan Province, based on BPS data in social pillars, East Kalimantan needs to accelerate or accelerate in overcoming poverty, maternal mortality rates (AKI), health facilities and women's proportions in managerial positions. Meanwhile, in the economic pillars including open unemployment and Gini index. Then, in the pillar of the environment: law and governance, it is necessary to accelerate in clean drinking water services, decent housing access and recording the birth of children under 5 years in civil registration.
It is hoped that this initial stage of public discussion can produce effective rads for the achievement of TAP/SDGs as a draft in formulating regional strategic issues for the preparation of the RPJPD/RPJMD Document of East Kalimantan Province.
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