Meeting and Site Inspection of the Maloy SEZ
Meeting and Inspection of the Maloy SEZ Location
Still in a series of working visits to the northern region on the second day (Saturday, 18 December 2021), the Governor of East Kalimantan visited and held meetings with representatives of the Kutim Regency Government and the directors of PT MBS as the implementing operator in the Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan SEZ (MBTK).
On the agenda for the visit and meeting to the MBTK SEZ location, the Governor of East Kalimantan listened to a presentation regarding the current condition of the MBTK SEZ, especially in terms of infrastructure needs, problems faced and efforts made in acceleration of investment realization and regional operationalization.
In terms of infrastructure needs, KEK MBTK still requires the availability of industrial IPAL; roads within the area; gas network; industrial waste; drainage; and land development.
Meanwhile, in terms of efforts to accelerate operations, KEK MBTK plans to immediately prepare regional regulations; cooperation agreement on land use and other assets; cooperation in electricity supply with PLN; cooperation with investors; operationalization of the water treatment plant (WTP) and operationalization of the Maloy international port.
The Governor of East Kalimantan gave directions to immediately carry out accelerated steps that have been prepared so that the MBTK KEK can immediately operate and grow and develop so that the benefits of its existence can be felt for the progress of the region and society.
#monitoring Evaluationkaltim
#regional development
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