Coordination Meeting Preparation for the Preparation of Action Plans Efforts to Accelerate Stunting Handling in East Kalimantan Provisions
Representatives of Government and Human Development of Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province attended the coordination meeting of preparation of action plans in an effort to accelerate stunting in East Kalimantan Province organized by DKP3A East Kalimantan Province at Harris Hotel Samarinda Hotel , Thursday (04/14/2022).
Coordination Meeting which was attended by approximately 20 participants consisting of regional apparatus in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and related stakeholders, in order to follow up on Presidential Regulation No. 72 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Stunting Decreases and Decree of the Governor of East Kalimantan Number 463/K.159/2022 concerning the Establishment of the East Kalimantan Province Stunting Decrease (TPPS) Acceleration Team which has been issued by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
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#Decreases Stuntungkaltim