Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Online Meeting Evaluation of Assistance in Filling Out Stage 1 Forms and Sharing Good Practices for Child-Friendly Playrooms
Samarinda, (07/10/2020). In order to follow up on the kick off assistance in filling out the Child-Friendly Playroom Assessment Requirements Form (RBRA) in 23 RBAs in East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection held an Evaluation of Assistance in Filling in Phase 1 Forms and Sharing Good Practices for Child-Friendly Playrooms for 2018 and 2019 online via the zoom meeting application.
Present at this activity was the Head of Human Resources and Government, Drs. H. Hariyo Santoso Representing the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, also present were the North Kalimantan Province Bappeda, North Kalimantan Public Works Service, East Kalimantan DKP3A, East Kalimantan District/City DPPKB, East Kalimantan District/City DKP3AKB and East Kalimantan District/City Social Services.
Evaluation of the progress of filling out the RBA Standardization Form for East Kalimantan detailed by Regency/City. In general, it can be informed that the cities of Samarinda and Balikpapan have completed filling in the form, Bontang City and PPU Regency are still in progress in completing the filling, Kubar Regency is still in the coordination stage and preparing the legality of the RBRA site, and Mahulu Regency is still in the process of filling out the form and completing the infrastructure. p>
The role of the Provincial Government, especially Bappeda, must be to provide back up between the Province and the Regency/City, for example in the form of funding to the Regency/City if problems are needed or problems are found in the implementation of Child-Friendly Play Spaces.< /p>
Presented by Hariyo, filling out the RBRA Form for Districts/Cities must pay attention to data accountability to ensure that the aim is to fulfill children's rights, therefore it must involve cross-sector SKPDs who play an active role in coordinating in fill in the RBRA Form and if necessary, the Head/Head of the Department can directly coordinate.
(Humas BappedaKaltim/fat)