
Tuesday, 30 January 2024



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Internal Meetings and Socialization of Risk Management (MR) Preparation Plans and Control Action Plans (RTP) within the Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province

Today (29/01/2024), the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda held an Internal Meeting which focused on two main agendas, namely the Signing of the Performance Agreement, the Delivery of Performance Rewards for 2023, and Socialization Risk Management Preparation Plan and Control Action Plan (RTP).

The meeting was chaired by the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Mr. Yusliando and was also attended by the Secretary, Head of Division, Head of General Subdivision, Head of Program Subdivision, Functional Planner/Planning Team Leader, and Bappeda Civil Servant Staff East Kalimantan Province.

In the first agenda, the meeting discussed the allocation of East Kalimantan Bappeda funds for 2024 and recommended improvements to be made if necessary as well as evaluations to increase budget absorption. Not only that, the event continued with the ceremonial signing of the structural position performance agreement. The highlight is giving rewards to appreciate the performance of fields and PPTK with the best budget absorption in 2023.

The sector with the best budget absorption performance in 2023 is the Government and Human Development (PPM) sector, followed by the Regional Infrastructure Sector (Infaswil). Meanwhile, the PPTK with the best absorption is Muhammad Hamsani, ST, M.Si, followed by Stella Felicia Sinaga, S.Si., MurbPlanDes and Perdana Jati Leksono, ST, M.Eng.

Next, the second agenda focused on socializing the preparation of Risk Management and the Socialization Meeting on Preparing Risk Management (RTP) with resource person Ata Sumirta Ak., CA., CACP, CRMP, CRGP as Supervision Coordinator Regional Government Accountability Sector, BKP (Taxable Goods) East Kaliantan Province and Edi Santoso, S.P from the East Kalimantan Provincial Inspectorate provided material on Risk Management within the Government Region.

Furthermore, the second agenda continued with discussions involving important aspects, including development or improvement of the control environment in risk management, risk management systems and implementation of risk assessment elements, control activities, as well as information and communication in monitoring the risk management process.

There are three risk ownership units including, Regional Government level risk ownership units, Echelon II level Risk Owner Units, Echelon III and IV level Risk Owner Units

The risk owner unit has the responsibility to develop strategies, work plans, identification, analysis, handling activities and risk monitoring, as well as ensuring the risk management process runs well. The process involves five stages, from identifying weaknesses in the control environment to ongoing monitoring.

Meanwhile, based on East Kalimantan Gubernatorial Regulation no. 70/2020, it is necessary to form a risk management committee which states that the governor is the chairman, the Head of Bappeda or similar OPD is the coordinator and member and the head of the service or other OPD is the member.

The Risk Management Committee is tasked with providing guidance on risk management within the Regional Government, outreach, guidance, supervision and training as well as making quarterly and annual reports on risk management which are submitted to the Governor and also the Regional Secretary.

It is hoped that these two agendas can increase the effectiveness of performance within the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda and improve risk management and control in the future.


#internal meetingandsocializationmanagementrisk2024