Coordination meeting in order to accelerate the decline in stunting scope of East Kalimantan Province
Samarinda (05/05/2024), in order to take strategic steps to accelerate the decline in stunting figures in the Province of East Kalimantan, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province together and convergence. This event was held in the Propeda Meeting Room of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Office and was attended by various agencies related to the scope of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
The meeting was attended by the Social Service, Horticultural Food Crops, Health Office, Maritime and Fisheries Service, as well as the Public Works, Structuring, Discussing Coordination in Strengthening the Role and Functions of Cross-Sectors The Stunting Decrease (TPPS) Acceleration Team. One of the important points discussed is the result of mapping a sub -activity that supports the acceleration of stunting decline.
This coordination meeting is motivated by the commitment of the local government in reducing stunting numbers to below 14% according to the mandate of the central government in an effort to improve the welfare of the community.
In carrying out the acceleration of stunting decline, there are 8 convergence actions carried out including, situation analysis, preparation of activities, stunting, regents/mayor regulations accelerate stunting, coaching actors and village government /Kelurahan, Stunting Data Management System, Stunting Measurement and Publication, and Annual Performance Review.
In addition, the discussion was also discussed about the role of the PUPR Office which was directed to provide clean water and drinking water services in stunting prone areas, as well as improving sanitation service infrastructure.
To strengthen the strategy of accelerating stunting, discussion of field visits is also an important part. This is done to address the results of the target of implementing stunting at the city and district levels more directly and effectively.
This coordination meeting confirms the serious commitment of the East Kalimantan regional government in overcoming the problem of stunting, by moving various sectors to work together in the success of the acceleration of stunting.
#velocity of derivatives of stunting
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