Discussion Meeting of Recommendations for Formation of Planning Functional Position (JFP) in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Environment
Hi, Planner Friends!
Today, (17/01/2024) the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) held a discussion meeting to formulate recommendations for the need for functional planner positions within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
This meeting was held with Mr. Sudarwanto, S.Sos as Head of Development for the Regional Personnel Agency and Mrs. Nurnuthfah Arief, SE, MAP and her staff, Gabriel Arya from the Organization and Management Bureau.
During the meeting, the need for functional planning positions within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government was discussed in depth. By establishing the functional position of planner, the government can ensure that workers in the planning field have the expertise and skills that suit the demands of their work. This not only increases productivity, but also optimizes the use of existing human resources.
For information, according to PermenPANRB No. 4 of 2020, the duties of Functional Positions are to convey, review, formulate policies and prepare development plans for government agencies regularly and systematically.
In this case the arrangement of functional positions is prepared based on the bezetting or position map in the planning unit and also the output of planning documents produced by each regional apparatus.
It is hoped that the results of this coordination meeting can become the basis for formulating policies related to the formation of functional planning positions, so that they can support the effectiveness and efficiency of implementing planning programs in regional development. (SA)
#preparation of informationjafungpeplan2024