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Synergy of East Kalimantan Poverty Reduction Program

Balikpapan, Thursday, 07/28/2016. The acceleration program for poverty for poverty in East Kalimantan Province must synergize between Regional Work Unit (SKPD) of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and with other institutions including the central government and other institutions.

This was revealed by the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Dr. Ir.H. Zairin Zain, M.Si, when delivering a presentation at the 2016 East Kalimantan Provincial Poverty Reduction Coordination Meeting with the theme "Optimizing the Implementation of Integrated Poverty Reduction Programs Towards East Kalimantan Prosperous" with the title "2015 MDGs Achievement Report and Achievement of the Implementation of Poverty Reduction Program Year The 2 RPJMD 2013 - 2018 East Kalimantan Province "in the Meeting Room of the Le Grandeur Balikpapan Hotel was attended by participants from the SKPD of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government scope of approximately one hundred people.

Furthermore Zairin Zain said that the handling of poverty reduction acceleration cannot be done using only statistical data because it always changes. Handling poverty reduction must use door to door services to the poor so that it is right on the desired target. In addition to handling the poverty program directly to touch the benefits to the community must also be integrated between programs. Poverty strategic issues in East Kalimantan include: 1). Geographical Conditions: Inland, Rural, Remote and Outermost; 2). Low availability of basic infrastructure; 3). Poverty in rural areas is higher than in urban areas; 4). Population migration; 5). Low competitiveness of human resources; 6). The rise of layoffs; 7). The impact of national and regional economic turmoil.

From 12 Priority Development Programs of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in 2016, the handling of poverty alleviation acceleration is in third position, among others: 1). Improving the quality of education administration; 2). Improving the quality of health services; 3). Acceleration of poverty alleviation; 4. Improvement and expansion of employment opportunities; 5). Populist economic development; 6). Acceleration of economic transformation; 7). Fulfillment of environmentally friendly energy needs; 8). Agribusiness development; 9). Increased food production; 10). Improving the quality of basic infrastructure; 11). Bureaucratic Reform and Governance; 12). Improvement of environmental quality.

Zairin Zain at the end The presentation said that given the slowdown in both local and national economic growth in the 2016 fiscal year and the results of identification of constraints/problems, then in the context of achieving the performance targets of the Poverty Reduction Program in East Kalimantan Province in 2016 recommended several strategies including: 1). Focus on targets through the empowerment of the poor on access to the meeting of basic needs (food, education and health); 2). Synergize the SKPD and Regency/City programs; 3). Optimizing the allocation of poverty poverty budget; 4). Program targets refer to PPLS 2015; 5). Adjust the performance targets to be achieved; 6). Utilize alternative financing through decon and csr funds.

The purpose of the coordination meeting for the acceleration of poverty reduction in East Kalimantan Province in 2016 includes: 1). The coordination meeting is related to poverty reduction in East Kalimantan as detailed in Presidential Regulation Number 15 of 2010 concerning the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction that has undergone a change to Presidential Regulation Number 96 of 2015; 2). Socialization of the Sustainable Development Development Development Plan (TPB/ SDGS) for the 2016-2030 period which is a continuation and improvement of MDGs for the period 2010-2015. This is a follow -up to the President's direction during the Cabinet Session on December 23, 2015. Span>

Acceleration of poverty reduction is the 3rd priority of 12 development priorities in the East Kalimantan RPJMD in 2013-2018 and in order The achievement is pursued through the 2nd mission, namely realizing economic competitiveness based on natural resources and renewable energy ; Objective 2 "Improve the welfare and equitable income of community" and target 6 "Decreased poverty level".

The government realizes that in the context of achieving the target "Reducing the Poverty Level" cannot only be charged to only one SKPD. Therefore, in the 2013 - 2018 RPJMD, it has included "14 Priority Priority Programs for Poverty Reduction" which is a cross -field and SKPD cross -field program. Thus the concern, integration and division of the active role of each stakeholder in achieving these shared goals and objectives, and no less important is also the need for contributions and support from regencies/cities in East Kalimantan.

further about regional support for the implementation plan and plans to achieve the TPB/SDGs indicator (continuation of MDGs) in general The purpose and indicator plan of TPB/SDGs (17 destinations, 169 targets and 240 indicators) has largely been integrated with the 2013 - 2018 RPJMD. form of regional contribution to the TPB/SDGs National Action Plan (RAN).

the achievement of the Poverty Reduction Program in East Kalimantan Province in the last 4 years (2013-2016) March period shows Flutuative developments are: 2013 amounting to 6.06% (initial conditions), in 2014 the realization of 6.42% of the target of 6.00%, in 2015 the realization was 6.23% of the target of 5.75% and in 2016 the realization amounting to 6.11%of the target of 5.35%Meanwhile the end of the year RPJMD year in 2018 is 5.00%.

If we compare in the period September 2015-March 2016 there was an increase in the number of poor people by 2,940 inhabitants from 209,980 inhabitants to 212,920 people or 0.01%, from 6.10% to 6.11%.

MDGs of East Kalimantan from 7 destinations, 14 targets and 56 indicators in the end of 2015 are as follows: a). Achieve has been achieved as many as 25 indicators; b). On track will be achieved as many as 25 indicators; c). Not yet achieved (off track) as many as 6 indicators. (Sukandar, S. Sos/Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province). (Sukandar, S. Sos/Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province).