Thursday, 07 November 2024
Synchronization of Community Development Program with the Regional Development Plan for East Kalimantan
Balikpapan, 06/11/2024-Agus Taswanto, S.T., M.Lling., Present as a resource person in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme "Realizing Synchronization of Community Development and Empowerment Programs (PPM) in Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities with the Regional Development Plan of East Kalimantan Province "by the East Kalimantan Province Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Office. This activity is part of an effort to prepare a blueprint (blueprint) of the development and empowerment of the PPM community for the period 2025-2029.
On that occasion, Agus Taswanto conveyed the importance of the relationship between regional development planning documents and 8 main pillars of the PPM program. These pillars include: education, health, real income levels or work, economic, social and cultural independence, environment, community institutions, and infrastructure.
In his presentation, it was stated that the strategic issues listed in the Regional Development Plan (RPD) in 2024-2026 were very relevant to the development and empowerment of the community, including increasing the competitiveness of human resources, accelerating economic transformation, and economic growth inclusive, increased accessibility and connectivity of infrastructure, as well as improving the quality of the environment.
In the forum, Agus Taswanto underlines the importance of the efforts of East Kalimantan which is now very dependent on the coal sector to switch to a more sustainable economic sector. Realizing dependence on coal, the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan is now focused on carrying out economic transformation slowly starting to switch from an extractive -based economy to a more added value of the manufacturing sector. This transformation is expected to improve the welfare of the community and preserve the environment.
Furthermore, Agus also delivered a future plan for the economic foundation of East Kalimantan which will rely more on the processing or manufacturing industry. As part of innovation, Agus proposed the development of geospatial-based PPM applications to facilitate the synchronization of PPM programs with regional development planning documents. This application is expected to accelerate synchronization between programs, both between companies and between company programs and regional planning documents. In addition, this application will also be equipped with features for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the PPM program.
With this effort, it is expected that community empowerment programs relating to mining business activities can be more integrated with regional development plans in order to provide benefits, so that it brings a positive positive impact for the community and Environment in East Kalimantan.
Photo: (psda)
#community development program
#transformation of energy
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