
Sunday, 13 June 2021



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Legal Socialization and Formation of LKBH KORPRI

Samarinda, 10 June 2021, 09.00 WITA. Representatives of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda attended legal socialization activities and the formation of the KORPRI LKBH which was held at the Midtown Samarinda hotel. This event was attended by Regional Apparatus within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and opened by the Head of the Regional Personnel Agency, Drs. Diddy Rusdiansyah, M.M, M.Sc. As resource persons in this activity, the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Nakertrans Service, Suroto, and the representative of the DPD Advocate Peradi Indonesia, Henrich Juk Abeth, SH, M.Hum.

Several things that need to be noted from the presentation of material by resource persons who attended this meeting include:

  1. The main problem faced is civil servants who occupy certain positions, such as goods/services procurement officials due to a lack of understanding of the risks of their position, so they make mistakes unintentionally; Civil servants feel a lack of calm in carrying out their official duties, especially for those given duties as PA, KPA, PPTK, Treasurer. Such conditions have the potential to disrupt the implementation of Government programs in regional development.
  2. Legal Assistance for ASN as stated in Articles 92 and 106 of Law No. 5 of 2014 concerning ASN, the Government is obliged to provide protection to ASN Employees, including in the form of legal assistance. Legal assistance in the form of providing assistance in cases faced in court related to the implementation of their duties.
  3. The ASN normative framework itself is contained in Law No. 5 of 2014 concerning ASN article 126, namely that ASN employees gather within the Republic of Indonesia ASN Professional Corps; The Republic of Indonesia ASN Employee Professional Corps has the function of fostering and developing the ASN profession, providing legal protection and advocacy to members, providing recommendations to the agency's code of ethics council, carrying out efforts to improve the welfare of members.
  4. Various forms of legal assistance provided to ASN include litigation legal assistance (state administrative cases, civil cases, criminal cases, cases from other judicial bodies/Constitutional Court); and non-litigation legal assistance (legal procurement, legal consultation, and legal advocacy).

The event closed with the signing of an MoU (cooperation agreement) between DP KORPRI East Kalimantan Province and representatives of DPD Indonesian Advocates East Kalimantan Province as a form of seriousness and commitment to future cooperation.

(HumasBappeda/Agus Hen).