
Sunday, 30 January 2022



2976 times seen

Socialization of the 2022 Complete Systematic Event Land Registration Program (PTSL) by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / Head of the National Land Agency

East Kalimantan Bappeda attended a joint event through a video conference held in the 2nd floor hob meeting room of the East Kalimantan Governor's Office related to the Socialization of the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) in 2022 by the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning /Head of the National Land Agency, Thursday (01/27/22).

The socialization event which was held online was attended by ± 900 participants. Participants who attended online include the Ministry of ATR/BPN of the Republic of Indonesia, Regional BPN Regional Office in Indonesia, District/City Land Office, Provincial Governor/Representative, and Regents/Mayors/Representatives of Regency/City.

Minister of ATR/Head of BPN of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Sofyan A. Djalil, S.H., M.A., opened a socialization event that carries the theme "The Role of the Regional Government in the success of the PTSL strategic program towards the realization of the people's welfare".

Delivered, PTSL can provide benefits for local governments and the community. These benefits can improve the economy of the community and the region, where PTSL can be a reference for local governments in taking economic policies, especially in relation to land use and use policies in accordance with registered land ownership data.

further said that with the existence of PTSL, it can facilitate the integration of land data, because the resulting land data is more complete and quality, so that it can be used as a source of data for policy makers including the government area.

To note, PTSL is the first land registration process, which is carried out simultaneously and includes all land registration objects that have not been registered in a village or village area.

Until now, out of a total of 126 million land fields in Indonesia, ± 78 million fields have been certified and 16 million are registered but not certified until 2021, so that land that has not been registered up to now it reaches ± 31.7 million (25.20%).


#baped mutiled

