First High Leadership Position Competency Test within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government
Tuesday, 29/03/2022. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. Hm. Aswin, MM participated in the "High Leadership Competency Test" organized by the East Kalimantan Province Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs at the Novotel Hotel Balikpapan.
In accordance with the provisions in Article 2 paragraph (1) letter d Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 108 of 2017 concerning Government Competency, it is stated that ASN employees who occupy high leadership positions, administrator positions , and supervisory positions in regional apparatuses must meet government competency requirements.
Mr. Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan, Hadi Mulyadi was present to give a speech and at the same time open the activity. He advised this activity not only to get a certificate but it needs to be a trigger in fostering enthusiasm to build the nation and state and serve the community through reliable competence. Competence must also be based on effectiveness, efficiency and solidarity.
On this occasion, the Ministry of Home Affairs Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) was also present, Mr. Dr. Sugeng Hariyono to provide direction on the implementation of the competency test this time. He expressed his appreciation for the implementation of this activity and explained that this activity aims to show the level of competencies possessed by all participants in occupying the position currently carried out, so that the placement of the ASNs in their positions has been objective.
The event which was held for two days, was filled with exposure and interviews of JPT Pratama participants in front of the assessors. Furthermore, the announcement of the results of the trial will be delivered on the second day by the assessor and the LSP-PDN team, to then get a certificate.
#baped mutiled
#Development of the Source of Human Speaker
#tests of competencejptpratamakaltim