
Overview of Position:

Leading and carrying out technical and administrative service activities to all units which include planning, reporting, general, staffing, financial and asset in accordance with the procedures and provisions in force in order to support the smooth implementation of tasks and orderly administration within the Regional Development Planning Agency.

The basic task:

Carry out the preparation of policy formulation materials, coordination, program planning and reporting, general affairs and public relations, staffing, management, equipment, financial administration, asset management, and coordinating the implementation of development plan deliberations.

Job description :

  1. Prepare an operational plan within the Secretariat based on the work program of the Regional Development Planning Agency and the leadership instructions as a guideline for carrying out the task;
  2. Distributing tasks to subordinates within the Secretariat in accordance with the main tasks and responsibilities established so that the tasks given can be effective and efficient;
  3. Provide indication of the execution of the duties to the subordinates in the secretariat in accordance with the rules and procedures that occur so that they do not have the offense in the execution of the task;
  4. Supervise the implementation of subordinate duties in the secretariat regularly in accordance with the rules and procedures that occur to achieve the expected work target;
  5. Develop the concept of management of the Regional Development Planning Agency program by analyzing the proposed field activities, proposing the program according to priority and reviewing the budget plan in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions to support the smooth implementation of the program;
  6. Controlling the planning and reporting matters in accordance with the procedures and provisions that apply for the order of administration and accountability materials;
  7. Controlling general affairs which includes ruraling, staffing and public relations in accordance with the procedures and provisions that apply to support the smooth implementation of tasks within the Development Planning Agency;
  8. Controlling financial administration and asset which includes budget management activities, treasury, bookkeeping and verification as well as financial and asset accountability reports in accordance with applicable procedures and provisions to ensure the order of budget use;
  9. Evaluating the implementation of subordinate tasks within the Secretariat by comparing the operational plans with the tasks that have been carried out as material for activity reports and performance improvement in the future;
  10. Prepare a report on the implementation of the Secretariat's duties in accordance with the tasks that have been carried out periodically as a form of performance accountability;
  11. Carry out other official duties given by the leadership both oral and written.

Function :

  1. Preparation of coordinating materials for the preparation of program plans, monitoring, evaluation and reporting;
  2. Preparation of materials for coordination of general administration and staffing ,ness, equipment and maintenance, law and public relations and public complaints;
  3. Preparation of coordinating materials for the preparation of budget, treasury, verification and financial accounting as well as the management of state/regional property; And
  4. The implementation of other functions given by the Head of Bappeda relating to his duties.

Head of Program Planning Subdivision

Overview of Position:

Leading and carrying out the activities of preparing concepts and implementation of technical planning and reporting activities in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations in order to support the smooth task of the Secretariat of the Regional Planning and Development Agency.

The basic task:

Preparing materials, coordinating, preparation of plans and programs, monitoring, evaluating and reporting activities.

Job description :

  1. Prepare material for the preparation of program planning program planning programs based on applicable regulations as reference materials;
  2. Prepare material for the preparation of the implementation of activities based on the program so that activities can be carried out on time;
  3. Distribute tasks to employees in accordance with their positions so that all work can be completed properly;
  4. Supervise and control the activities of the program planning sub -section based on regulations for the optimization of tasks;
  5. Preparing materials for the preparation of RKA, DPA, DIPA, LAKIP in accordance with the regulations that apply as a reference for activities;
  6. Preparing coordination material for determining minimum service standards in accordance with the laws and regulations that apply to the reference in carrying out tasks;
  7. Conduct employee guidance and assessment in accordance with regulations by giving direction according to the rules and guidelines that exist in order to improve employee performance;
  8. Preparing materials for coordinating program planning activities with related agencies based on laws and regulations that apply to optimize tasks;
  9. Evaluate and prepare periodic budget realization reports based on their plans and realization to determine the level of program achievement and problems encountered as well as efforts to solve the problem;
  10. Carry out other official duties given by the leadership both oral and written.

Head of Finance Subdivision

Overview of Position:

Leading and carrying out financial administration activities in the scope of treasury, accounting, verification, follow -up of LHP and equipment as well as preparing program concepts and activities including controlling the use and administration of regional assets in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations in order to order financial administration and support the smooth task of the Secretariat of the Regional Planning and Development Agency.

The basic task:

Collecting and preparing materials for the preparation of budget, treasury, verification and financial accounting and asset management.

Job description :

  1. Plan the activities of the Finance and Asset and Asset Subdivisions based on the Operational Plan of the Bappeda Secretariat as a guideline for carrying out tasks;
  2. Carry out financial administration management in accordance with applicable laws and regulations so that the implementation of work programs can run efficiently and effectively;
  3. Develop the concept of financial reporting which includes financial statements, balance sheets and notes to financial statements in accordance with statutory regulations as responsibility for the implementation of tasks;
  4. Formulate technical guidelines for asset management in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations as a reference in the implementation and management of the budget for the Regional Work Unit;
  5. Develop the concept of coordinating internal activities across fields with relevant agencies, fostering program/activity plans, reporting work units, follow-up Reports on Inspection Results (LHP) in accordance with the guidelines and regulations that apply as materials for the implementation of tasks;
  6. Evaluating the implementation of activities in the financial sub -section of the financial sub -section by identifying existing obstacles in order to improve performance in the future;
  7. Reporting the implementation of performance within the financial and asset sub -section in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations as performance accountability and future activities plans;
  8. Carry out other official duties given by the leadership both oral and written;

Head of General Subdivision

Overview of Position:

Leading and carrying out general administration and staffing activities, management, equipment and maintenance, law and public relations and complaints of the community in accordance with the procedures and provisions that apply in order to support the smoothness of secretarial tasks.

The basic task:

Collecting and preparing general administrative materials and staffing, management, equipment and maintenance, law and public relations as well as public complaints.

Job description :

  1. Prepare materials for the preparation of the general sub -section program plan based on the applicable regulations as reference materials;
  2. Prepare material for the preparation of the implementation of activities based on the program so that activities can be carried out on time;
  3. Distribute tasks to employees in accordance with their positions so that all work can be completed properly;
  4. Supervise and control the activities of the general sub -section based on regulations for optimizing tasks;
  5. Preparing general administrative activities, staffing, equipment, maintenance, law and public relations as well as public complaints in accordance with regulations so that administrative orderly;
  6. Oversee and direct the implementation of procurement, acceptance, storage and expenditure of goods based on applicable regulations so that administrative orderly;
  7. Conduct employee guidance and assessment in accordance with regulations by giving direction according to the rules and guidelines that exist in order to improve employee performance;
  8. Preparing materials for coordinating general administrative activities, staffing, equipment, maintenance, law and public relations with related agencies based on regulations for optimizing tasks;
  9. Compile and make periodic inventory of goods/assets based on laws and regulations that apply to administrative orderly;
  10. Evaluate the implementation of tasks based on their plans and realization to find out the level of program achievement and problems encountered and efforts to solve the problem;
  11. Carry out other official duties given by the leadership both oral and written.