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SBY Plan to Inaugurate the MP3EI East Kalimantan Project

Samarinda, 8/10/12. Preparation of Inauguration and Groundbreaking Plans Some MP3EI projects in East Kalimantan by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, carried out 1._SBY Height = Meeting to discuss the preparation for the implementation of the activity. The meeting was held 2 stages, namely the internal meeting of the East Kalimantan Provincial KP3EI team with related stakeholders, as well as a meeting with the Central KP3EI team at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs.

MP3EI projects in East Kalimantan that are ready to be ready to be inaugurated include the construction of the Kariangau International Port in Balikpapan, and the development of Kalimarau Airport in Berau Regency. As for the proposed project for groundbreaking, among others, the Kaltim 5 Pupuk Pupuk Development Project in Bontang City, the Sepinggan Balikpapan International Airport development project, the Samarinda Baru Airport construction project in Samarinda City, as well as the Maloy Industrial Estate and International Port (KIPI) development project in Sangatta, East Kutai.

The initial preparation meeting was held in Ruhui Rahayu Room, East Kalimantan Governor's Office, October 8, 2012. The meeting was chaired by the Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr. H. Awang Faroek Ishak, accompanied by the Chairman of the East Kalimantan DPRD. Present at this meeting, the Head of SKPD and related agencies, as well as the person in charge of each project. The governor appealed to all stakeholders involved in this activity, both from the government and the private sector to prepare everything well.

As a continuation of the meeting, a meeting was held, the readiness of each project was proposed to be inaugurated and grinding by the President of the Republic of Indonesia together with the Central KP3EI team. The meeting was chaired by the Head of the KP3EI Program Integration Division; Wahyu Utomo, Head of KP3EI Planning Division; Abdul Kamarzuki, and Head of KP3EI Administration Division; Dodi S. Riyadi. This meeting was a direction from the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia to the Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs to obtain the latest information to give consideration of the feasibility of the inauguration and groundbreaking MP3EI project in East Kalimantan by the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

It was reported that the Kariangau International Port has now carried out a trial and first operation, which was marked by the first shipment on August 30, 2012. The total ships tested were 20 units with a total of 2600 TEU's containers and the loading and unloading capacity of 25 Box/Day/Crane. Overall, the physical progress of development is 98.90%. Regarding access to the Kariangau Port, the Provincial Government has built an access road along 13.5 km from the National Road (KM.13 Balikpapan). At present the access road has been built 1 (one) lane, from the 2 lane development plan.

Kalimarau Airport, as a development of what is currently operating, is ready to be operational. The main terminal building has been completed, while supporting buildings are still in 75%condition. However, the supporting building has no significant influence on airport operations, so that the solution can still be done simultaneously after Kalimarau Airport is operational. The airlines that have entered the Kalimarau airport are Batavia and Sriwijaya for the Boeing type; Kalstar (propeller), and water trigana. In the future, it is projected that the number of airlines entering Kalimarau will increase, along with economic growth in Berau Regency, especially the tourism sector.

Other projects are currently in the process of work, with the following progress:
1. The Kaltim 5 fertilizer factory construction project in Bontang City is currently being worked on, on land owned by Pupuk Kaltim. The work has reached 30%progress, and is targeted to start operations in 2014; 2. Sepinggan Airport, as the main gateway of East Kalimantan Province, is doing development which is divided into 3 packages. Package I which is the work of cargo terminals, Hanggar A1, Apron, Apron Service Building, Administration Building, Heavy Equipment Shelter, Air Load Expedition, and Airline Office currently construction reaches 73%. Package 2, Job: Passenger Terminal with an area of ​​110000 m2 with a capacity of 10 million passengers /year, progress of 14%development. Package 3, Flyover infrastructure work, roads, parking areas, 24%development progress. Package 4, namely the work of Hanggar A2, Apron, Tower; Currently in the DED process and physical plan is completed in July 2013, October 2013 Operations;
3. The construction of Samarinda Baru Airport, as the transfer of the current existing airport, is carried out with a pattern of financing multiyears contracts in the provincial APBD worth Rp. 696 billion. At present the construction of the land side has reached 13.8%. The target of the Samarinda Baru Airport settlement is in 2013, with a passenger terminal of 15000 m2 with a capacity of 2.5 million passengers/year. In addition to the construction of the airport, there is also a widening and improvement of access roads to the airport with a width of 15 meters and a length of 21 km;
4. The Centralized Crude Terminal (CCT) project located in Penajam Paser Utara Regency is a project that will be implemented by PT. Pertamina as a development of the current existing crude oil terminal. Development will be built in 2 phases, where the first phase will be developed up to 8 million barrels of crude oil and in the second phase will be developed up to 15 million barrels;
5. Maloy's International Estate and International Port is the face of East Kalimantan in the future. The wealth of resources owned certainly makes this area continue to be glimpsed by investors both national and international. At present, the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan continues to make efforts to accelerate the development of this industrial area. The total area of ​​the area is 5,305 ha, where the initial stage of development is on an area of ​​1,000 ha and has been released as wide as 577 ha. Maloy is currently being proposed to be a special economy (KEK) by the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan with Trans Kalimantan Economic Zone. The proposed area is 32,800 ha. The area is the integration of the area proposed by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government 5,305 Ha, Batuta Chemical Industrial Park 1,000 Ha, and Trans Kalimantan Economic Zone covering an area of ​​26,500 ha.

The Central KP3EI Team also expects the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan to be able to prepare for public lecture activities by the President of the Republic of Indonesia or the Coordinating Minister for the Economy at the local State University. The inauguration and groundbreaking are planned to be held in October 2012.

Source: The Regional Development Infrastructure in East Kalimantan Bappeda and Published by Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos.