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H. Rusmadi: Unlimited Information

Tanah Grogot, Paser, 16/6/13. Information is very important data as a basis for planning quality development programs, apart from that the need to obtain information cannot be separated from development planning.< /p>

The availability of complete and accurate data is an absolute necessity in all sectors to support development planning needs and to spur the economic competitiveness of the East Kalimantan region, so that in this era of globalization of information, information is needed that is actual and factual.

“Data is like raw materials, after processing it can produce information, as our need for actual and factual information is quite high in the midst of the unlimited flow of globalization of information.”

Said the Acting Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi, MS and Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, represented the Governor of East Kalimantan when giving a speech and at the same time opening the 2013 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation event on June 16-18 at the Grand Sadurengas Hotel Auditorium, attended by participants from the Provincial and Regency City Bappeda throughout East Kalimantan as well as from the BPS of East Kalimantan Province and Regencies/Cities throughout East Kalimantan and SKPDs related to environmental bail of the Paser Regency Government as well as from relevant SKPDs in the scope The East Kalimantan Provincial Government numbers approximately one hundred and fifty people.

Arrangement of Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation Events throughout East Kalimantan

The event began with the welcome dance “Seloloi Ulet” and the dance “Gawi Gatapea Paser” starting the opening of the Synchronization and Consolidation event Development data throughout East Kalimantan at the Paser Regent's Hall. Both dances were performed by the Sadurengas Art Studio, which has won overall championship three times in a row at the East Kalimantan Etam Continent Cultural Arts and Culture Festival.

Then the event continued with remarks, the Head of Bappeda Paser and chairman of the committee Drs. Muhammad Fauzy, MT explained that the implementation of the 2013 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation meeting in Bumi Daya Taka Paser was in accordance with the results of the agreement at the 2012 data synchronization and consolidation meeting in Malinau Regency.

Fauzy hopes that by holding this data synchronization and consolidation meeting, participants will be able to understand the importance of regional data in figures for the preparation of regional development policies as well as the establishment of communication and networking between providers of basic data and sectoral statistics .

Participants in the 2013 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation Meeting consisted of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda, the East Kalimantan Provincial Central Statistics Agency, the Provincial and District Work Units (SKPD). Paser, Bappeda of each Regency/City of East Kalimantan, and BPS of Regency/City of East Kalimantan.

The Regent of Paser, H.M. Ridwan Suwidi as the host welcomed the holding of the Data Synchronization and Consolidation meeting in Tanah Paser. In his speech he hoped that synchronization and consolidation of data like this would be carried out more frequently at the provincial, city, district and sub-district levels so that development planning would be more efficient and targeted because it is supported by more accurate data.

The Governor of East Kalimantan, represented by Acting. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province and Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, DR.Ir. H. Rusmadi, MS opened the 2013 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation event on June 16-18. In his speech he stated that "Data is like raw material, after processing it can produce information. As our need for current and factual information is quite high in the midst of unlimited globalization."

In relation to data availability, Rusmadi emphasized that data availability should be an absolute necessity for all sectors in order to spur the economic competitiveness of the East Kalimantan region.

Located in the Auditorium of the Grand Sadurengas Hotel, the 2013 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation Meeting presented resource persons: Drs. H. Taufik Hermawan (Representing the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda), Drs. Johny Anwar (Head of BPS East Kalimantan), DR. Kurtubi (mining and oil and gas observer/expert), Yohanes Bambang Kristianto, MA (Director of Statistical Analysis and Development of BPS RI), and Samiran (Head of Regional Accounts and Statistical Analysis of BPS Kaltim)

Results of the Agreement on Synchronization and Consolidation of Development Data throughout East Kalimantan

With the theme "Together Building the Provision of Quality Multisector Data to Spur Regional Economic Competitiveness" the 2013 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation meeting resulted in 15 agreements as follows:

1. To minimize data insynchronization, before the East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation Meeting is held, discussions must be held at the Regency/City level no later than the first week of May 2014, organized by Bappeda and BPS of each Regency/City with data sources from the Regency/City and Province as well as presenting related agencies/institutions/agencies. The results of the discussion will be immediately submitted to Bappeda and BPS of East Kalimantan Province to be synchronized at the provincial level no later than mid-May 2014. The exposure draft regarding data that has not been synchronized, before being brought to the synchronization and consolidation meeting forum, will be submitted first to the Provincial Department/Agency as a data source for clarification to the relevant District/City Department;

2. The lack of synchronization of area data between Regency/City and Province will be followed up with a coordination meeting involving relevant elements from the Province and Regency/City. The results of the decisions from this coordination meeting will be used as a reference for area area data submitted through the Governor's letter;

3. The population refers to BPS data for East Kalimantan Province which will be allocated to the Regency/City level, including derivative tables. Meanwhile, the District and Village levels will be communicated further;

4. District/City Education, Health and Religious Data will be synchronized by the relevant Department in East Kalimantan Province;

5. Data on the length of roads and bridges which are the authority of the Central Government (State Roads) and Provinces can be informed to the Regency/City by the Provincial Bappeda, while data on the length of roads and bridges which are the authority of the Regency/City Government can be informed to the East Kalimantan Provincial Public Works Department by Bappeda Regency/City;

6. Forest Use Data refers to Ministry of Forestry Regulation No. 79 of 2001, which is facilitated by the East Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service;

7. Several indicators/data contained in Regions in Figures sourced from Provincial Government services/agencies, especially from the Health Service, BKKBN, Plantation Service, Food Crop Agriculture Service, PLN and other companies will be submitted to the Regency/City Bappeda for clarification before April 2014 ;

8. Data on the number of motorized vehicles in Areas in Figures (DDA) sourced from POLDA and Dispenda will be submitted to the Regency/City Bappeda by the Provincial Bappeda;

9. To improve the quality and understanding of Regional Data in Figures and GRDP in order to build awareness of data in order to improve good governance, it is necessary to hold training/socialization on statistics (Statistics Capacity Building) for officials Regency/City government/SKPD through the respective Bappeda and BPS;

10.It is necessary to compile sectoral statistical publications by each -each Provincial and Regency/City SKPD throughout East Kalimantan which is coordinated by Bappeda in order to implement Permendagri No. 54 of 2010;

11.Regional Data in 2013 Figures not yet synchronized and it was decided at this meeting that it would be corrected by each Regency/City and immediately sent back to BPS/Provincial Bappeda no later than the first week of July 2013 (15 July 2013) via the fastest media in file form with email: or;

12. In order to support the vision of Advanced Kaltim 2030, namelyGreen Growth Development, it is necessary to develop supporting statistical data in the framework ofOne Data One Map throughout the Regency/City;

13.Based on input from sources, East Kalimantan has mining potential and needs to consider forming a Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) specifically to invest in the mining sector, utilize coal as a fuel source for power plants and ask members of the DPR RI who comes from East Kalimantan to fight for a portion of mining revenue sharing funds for East Kalimantan Province;

14.The 2014 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization and Consolidation Meeting will be held in early June 2014 in Kota Balikpapan. Especially for 2015, the implementation in June 2015 was carried out separately. For the East Kalimantan region, it will be implemented in Kutai Kartanegara district and for the North Kalimantan region it will be implemented in Bulungan Regency, with participants from Bappeda and BPS of East Kalimantan Province, SKPD and related agencies as well as Bappeda and Regency/City BPS, 2 (two) people each, whose financing is borne by the respective Bappeda budgets. -each Regency/City;

15.This conclusion and agreement will be followed up and evaluated at the next meeting and submitted to the Governor of East Kalimantan, Regents/Mayors throughout East Kalimantan, Relevant Departments/Agencies at the Provincial level. (Data source: Statistics and Development Control Sector, East Kalimantan Bappeda and published by the Public Relations of East Kalimantan Bappeda/Sukandar, S.Sos).