
Sunday, 29 November 2020



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Development starts from a dream

Samarinda, Wednesday 3/6/15. Prof. Rhenald Kasali, a professor from one of the well -known universities in Indonesia, namely the University of Indonesia 8._Prof._Rhenald_kasali_rembuk_rakyat_2_smd_3_jun_15 conveying simple ideas but contains extraordinary terrible meanings that Said the Professor of the University of Indonesia who was also a motivator in various regions and in television media at the Rembuk Rakyat 2 event at the Senyiur Hotel Ballroom Samarinda.

Prof. Rhenald Kasali also expressed his admiration for the concept of development under the leadership of the Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr. H. Awang Faroek Ishak-H. Mukmin Faisal which has been published in the East Kalimantan Province RPJMD in 2013-2018 which emphasizes the renewable development of resources. Entrepreneurs, students, East Kalimantan DPRD, Polda, Danrem government officials gave appreciation to the presentation of Prof. Rhenald Kasali.

In addition to the motivator who delivered the presentation of national figures from Nahanatul Ulama (NU) KH. Hasim Musadi who is also the Presidential Advisory Council Ir.H. Joko Widodo or better known as President Jokowi expressed enlightenment that development must be balanced with religion and has a nationalist and loyal soul to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia can also change better thinking.

The results of the formula compiled by the team are based on listening and paying close attention to the remarks from the Governor of East Kalimantan, remarks KH. Hasyim Musadi, and Prof. Rhenald Kasali, who was enriched with the results of a panelist discussion, which was the interests of the people of East Kalimantan, was delivered by the Chairman of the Formulation Team H. Jafar Sidik, among others:

1. People's Conference is a people's forum can be an alternative channel to convey the voice of the people when there is a blockage in the channels of formal aspirations as well as being a control to avoid the possibility of political oligarchy.

2. The realization of economic transformation needs to be accelerated so that the welfare of the whole community can be realized earlier through the steps of expanding economic development in East Kalimantan which is based on changes in the mindset and spirit of "not business as usual" but still comply with applicable law. In this case the central government should encourage and really support the desire of the people of East Kalimantan in carrying out economic transformation through improving the management and rescue of natural resources to provide a large amount of prosperity for the people of East Kalimantan. src = "" Alt = "1._Rembuk width = "550" height = "367" />

3. Economic transformation is a vision of a visionary long -term development, not because it is easy but because it is difficult and requires hard work, but this will make East Kalimantan advanced and sovereign economically.

4. To make East Kalimantan that is competitive, independent, and parallel to other regions that first advance, requires the active role of all parties, so that structural problems must be eliminated that causes the high cost economy and serious efforts to increase the productivity of the people of East Kalimantan as a driving force for development on an ongoing basis.

5. Examples and example of leaders, community leaders and politicians in running the government and taking public policy are a prerequisite for mental and character revolution to create bureaucratic apparatuses in government agencies, business people, as well as all levels of honest and anti -corruption, innovative, innovative, and have work ethic and have a commitment, strong integrity and dedicated their work. .

6. The basic purpose of development is the welfare, equity and justice which is also a religious command, so that there should be no separation and conflict between religion and development. The basic capital that must be owned to achieve the progress/success of development is integrity, national loyalty, changes in mindset, and a sense of nationalism/Indonesia.

7. The balance between natural resources and human resources is very necessary, but the strengthening of human resources is the main capital in achieving regional independence and progress. Efforts made by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government related to downstreaming are a very appropriate step towards independence.

10._Tarian_DATANG_DANTANG_DANTANG Height = 8. Infrastructure development to connect economic growth centers must be focused and consistently carried out. East Kalimantan has determined that the backbone of the economy in the future is a manufacture -based industry. The added value of the industry is expected to accelerate economic growth, equitable development and ultimately improve the welfare of the community. Through the Industrialization of East Kalimantan not only "running" but "runs faster".

9. The economic sector based on renewable natural resources has not been optimally developed, so it is necessary to accelerate to be ready to replace non -renewable natural resources. SKPD must concretely implement the transformation strategy through a concrete and synergy work program for the achievement of development targets by exploring the potential of the high -value economic sector. Human resources that have been prepared must have a use strategy to be appropriately absorbed by the industry that will be developed.

10. The DPRD strongly supports the medium -term and long -term development strategies, including supporting the policy of structuring the permit to exploit natural resources, and expect the firmness of the governor in controlling the utilization of natural resources in districts/cities.

11. In the implementation of economic transformation it is necessary to encourage and involve MSMEs in real terms. The development of MSMEs must be a SKPD priority work program. Access to capital and fostering product quality and marketing to become an activity that must be followed up immediately.

12. Empowerment of UKM Center must be developed in all districts/cities as a place for guidance and marketing to improve the quality and quantity of MSME products.

13. Preparing MSMEs that produce products to be able to compete in the MEA era by increasing human resources with clear competence. New business entrepreneur assistance must be carried out systematically.

14. It is necessary to improve supervision of the implementation of labor policies and increased employment opportunities at the field level. High commitment from the central and provincial governments in reality has not been able to run well. The investment climate that is influenced by infrastructure, bureaucracy and legal certainty still needs to be improved. Data also shows that workers who obtain rights according to the minimum wage are still below 50%.

15. In an effort to improve the welfare of workers/workers, the government is expected to be able to intervene to alleviate the components of living costs. Components of living costs that have a significant proportion include; housing and transportation components. Likewise, in terms of providing proper jobs, which includes components of employment opportunities, labor protection, protection of wages and social security are also expected to be government intervention in one or two components.

16. Law 23 of 2014 where the authority of the management of the mining and forestry sector moves to the province needs to be guarded by all parties so as not to be the transfer of problems from the district/city to the province.

17. The moratorium/licensing arrangement is not sufficient, but more important is an environmental audit of companies that have problems followed by effective law enforcement. Improvements are needed to the Pergub No.17 of 2015 so as not to cause multiple interpretations that will cause problems in the field.

18. There is a need for improvement and improvement of program indicators related to the environment in the East Kalimantan Province RPJMD.

19. The Provincial Government's commitment is very high in the implementation of education. A balance is needed between intellectual and moral/moral education as a key to providing professional human resources. Three aspects that must be considered in education are; The quality and quantity of teachers, educational facilities and students themselves. The content of moral and moral education must be further improved.

20. The implementation of the people's constitution needs to be used as a people's forum given the importance of the position of the people's constitution as a means of actively participating in the development process as well as the control of the government directly at the same time restoring people's democracy, so we agreed to make the People's Conference as a people's forum that needs to be scheduled periodically.

(Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos)