Wednesday, 29 December 2021
Draft Proposal Transmission of Forest Area HPK Location Unproductive
Tuesday, December 28, 2021. In the context of submitting the proposal for the release of the location of the Pilot Project acceleration of land redistribution from the HPK area not productive the Ministry of ATR/BPN carried out an audience with Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan.
This event was led by the Head of Planning, Control and Evaluation of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Regional Bappeda Mrs. Rina Juliaty accompanied by the Head of Subdivision of Data and Information Muhammad Hamsani located in the Repetada Meeting Room.
This audience aims to strengthen the synergy of the role and readiness of the region in carrying out agrarian reforms, as well as the harmony of the interests of the central and regional programs in the planned utilization of HPK not productive with spatial planning documents, regional development plans and other sector plans.
In this case the provincial Bappeda can provide a letter of recommendation regarding the use plan. Unproductive HPK proposed in the proposal for the release of forest areas as a study material by KLHK.
#baped mutiled
#Utilization of HPKKALTIM