
Wednesday, 12 October 2022



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Public Consultation Draft Government Regulation on Protection and Management of Mangrove Ecosystems

Tuesday, 11/10/2022 Economic Field Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended a public consultation meeting with a government regulation on the protection and management of mangrove ecosystems. The meeting was held at the Mercure Hotel Samarinda and through the Zoom Meeting


The meeting was attended by ministries/institutions; Regional Government of East Kalimantan, Kalbar, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and Kaltara; Universities and experts; Environmental observer/partner/related NGOs. Presenting two speakers namely Prof. Satyawan Pudyatmoko as Deputy for Planning and Evaluation from BRGM and Ir. Arief Yuwono, MA as Expert Minister of LHK


Law Number 32 Year 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management Based on the Basic Philosophy of the following: A good and healthy environment is the basic right of every citizen (Article 28H of the 1945 Constitution); National economic development refers to the principle of sustainable development with environmental insight; Regional Autonomy Changes in the relationship of authority of the central and regional governments as well as the quality of the environment that is increasingly declining and exacerbated by global warming due to climate change.


To overcome Indonesian mangrove problems such as overlapping deforestation rates and regulatory vacancies, regulations are needed in the form of government as a basis for accelerating various correction actions that are serious, consistent and integrated by stakeholders. The regulation is also used to provide legal certainty for mangrove ecosystems and guarantee protection to everyone to get a good and healthy environment as part of the overall environmental protection and management


In addition, the protection and management of mangrove ecosystems in a sustainable basis is also an integral part of the management of integrated coastal areas and the management of watersheds (DAS) as a whole.

#baped mutiled

#uunomor32 years 2009

#Consultation of the Publication Design of the Government Regulation

#protector and managing the social system

#manager of the area of ​​the Siansungai