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Cooker Juara 1 Your Caltim 2016

Samarinda, Wednesday 16/3/2016. The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan stipulated that the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Government succeeded in achieving achievements

The 2016 East Kalimantan Pangripta Archipelago Award (APN) was issued by the Government of East Kalimantan Province through a long process and the main assessment teams were from: 1). Regional Research and Development Agency of East Kalimantan Province (Prof. Dr. Dwi Nugroho.H); 2). Bappeda of Kalimantan Province (Ir. Ujang Rachmad, M.Sc and Siti Sudiyanti, M.Sc); 3). The General Government Bureau of Setwilda of East Kalimantan Province (Dra.Hj. Ismiati, M.Sc); 4). Regional Development Bureau (Ir. H. Salman Lumoindong, MM); 5). Inspectorate of East Kalimantan Province (M. Sa'duddin, AK, Ca).

Independent Assessment Team originated from the academics of Mulawarman University including: 1). Prof. Dr. Enny Rochaida, M.Sc; 2). Prof. Dr. Mustofa Agung Sardjono; 3). Dr. Suyadi; 4). Dr. Sofia Lena; 5). Asman Aziz; 6). Rusliansyah, SE., M.Sc; 7). Akhmad Noor, SE, M.SE and the technical assessment team came from the Bappeda Planning for East Kalimantan Province, which was held in the Mancong Hotel Mesra Samarinda Meeting Room, Wednesday, 3/16/2016.

The second stage of assessment by submitting presentations and interviews by three (3) regencies/cities nominees in East Kalimantan, namely Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kutai Regency and Bontang City, the best from 10 districts/cities in East Kalimantan.

Submission of presentations and interviews was delivered by the Head of Bappeda in each district/city and should not be represented. In the delivery of presentations and interviews this is also one of the significant assessments including presentation delivery techniques, exposure documents submitted and even the body's movements that submit the presentation also received an assessment and response from the interviews delivered by each team of assessment.

Presentation and Interview from Kutai Kartanegara Regency were delivered by the Head of Kukar Regency Bappeda, Totok Heru Subroto by delivering the planning process from the Village Musrenbag, the District Musrenbang and the Kutai Kartanegara District Musrenbang, as well as innovation of the development planning system that had been carried out online using the application. While the program innovation that has been carried out in the tourism and agricultural sector is broad.

While the presentation of the Bontang City Government was delivered by the Head of Bappeda, Ir. Zulkifli, MT by delivering the development planning process as outlined in the 2015 Bontang City RKPD, from the Kelurahan Musrenbang process, the District Musrenbang and the Bontang City Musrenbang, involving the Children's and Local NGO forums. While the innovations carried out by the Bontang City Government in 2015 were seaweed growers, providing seed assistance through CSR and assistance in marketing.

While the presentation of East Kutai Regency was delivered by the Head of East Kutai Regency Bappeda Ir. Suprihanto Ces, in the delivery of presentations on the planning process carried out in East Kutai Regency at the 2016 RKPD and innovation programs which are local wisdom carried out by the East Kutai Regency Government in 2015 and 2016 are the Tourism and Clean Water Sector for Public Services.

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(Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos).