
Tuesday, 17 October 2023



605 times seen

Resource persons at the Coordination Meeting of Central and Regional Planning in charge of Cooperatives and MSMEs in East Kalimantan

Samarinda, (17/10/2023) The role of cooperatives and MSMEs in East Kalimantan contributes greatly to economic growth where cooperatives and MSMEs are the backbone of regional economic growth.

To equalize perceptions in developing the regional economy, especially in the field of cooperatives and SMEs, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Economic and Natural Resources Sector, Mr. Dani Fachriza was a resource person at the "Central Planning and Coordination Meeting Region in charge of Cooperatives and SMEs throughout East Kalimantan" online.

This coordination meeting was held by the East Kalimantan Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (Disperindagkop) at the Midtwon Hotel Samarinda. Meeting participants at this event were attended by all Disperindagkop and Cooperative Services throughout East Kalimantan.

In the coordination meeting, Mr Dany highlighted the problems in the cooperative and SME sector in East Kalimantan which were not yet optimal in the quality of cooperative businesses and the low productivity of SMEs.

To overcome this, the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda has prepared a development direction document on inclusive and sustainable economic transformation as well as digital transformation for cooperatives and SMEs to make it easier to compete in the digital era.

The direction of development policy is stated in the East Kalimantan RPD concerning Regional Priorities for the Cooperative and SME Sector for 2024-2026.

In the East Kalimantan RPD, a strategy is designed to strive for regional economic growth, namely by developing exports of non-oil and gas commodities and also coal.

Meanwhile, policy directions in realizing quality economic growth include increasing the competitiveness of SMEs and increasing marketing of SME products. There are two major projects proposed in the East Kalimantan RPD, namely, the construction of joint production houses and also modern cooperatives (digitalization of cooperatives).

The conclusion of this presentation resulted in recommendations for increasing the contribution of Cooperatives and SMEs to encourage economic growth and improve community welfare. Furthermore, there needs to be priorities for the Cooperative and SME sector that need to be facilitated, namely export facilitation, infrastructure, technology, monitoring and evaluation, collaboration with third parties and also product quality and finally, the importance of the digitalization transformation of Cooperatives and SMEs so that they can compete in today's market.



#2023 central and regional planning coordination meeting, cooperatives and ukmsekaltim


