Saturday, 28 November 2020
Road Show Gub. East Kalimantan early 2012
Jakarta, 4/1/12 Governor of East Kalimantan DR. H. Awang Faroek Ishak accompanied by Provincial Secretary H Irianto Lambrie, Assistant for Economics and Development, Head of Bappeda Kaltim DR. Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS, Head of Public Works Service, Head of Transportation Department, Head of BPMD, Head of Livestock Service, Head of Agriculture Service, along with other staff held a meeting with the Minister of BPPN/Bappenas and the Deputy Minister of Finance, in order to submit proposals for infrastructure priority programs that need to receive allocations and APBN.
The meeting followed up on the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia during the Indonesian Governors' Meeting, who said that in 2011 there were APBN SILPA funds which reached a figure of Rp. 40 trillion, can be used for infrastructure development. The Governor of East Kalimantan took advantage of this opportunity and immediately carried out a road show to the relevant Ministries to convey proposals including:
1. Completion of Construction of the Kalimantan Cross Road;
2. Rebuilding of the Kutai Kertanegara Bridge;
3. Construction of the Balang Island Bridge;
4. Construction of the Balikpapan – Samarinda Toll Road;
5. Completion of Construction of Mahkota II Bridge;
6. Construction of Access Road to KIPI Maloy;
7. Infrastructure Development in the Maloy Area
8. Construction of Maloy Harbor;
9. Construction of General CVargo Port and Palaran Passenger Terminal;
10. Construction of the TPK Palaran Access Road;
11. Extension of the Balikpapan Sepinggan Airport Runway;
12. Construction of the New Samarinda Airport Runway;
13. Construction of Juwata Tarakan Airport Terminal Building;
14. Completion of Kariangau Container Terminal Construction;
15. Construction of the Sungai Wain Reservoir;
16. Construction of road infrastructure supporting the Derawan Island tourism area;
17. Construction of border roads;
18. Construction of border airports (Data Dawai, Long Ampung and Long Bawan);
19. Food Estate Development.
This proposal received a positive response from the Deputy Minister of Finance so that the East Kalimantan Provincial Government immediately followed up on the proposal through technical meetings with the ministry to discuss targets, goals, implementation time schedules and planning schemes financing that requires support from the Central Government for each proposed program. However, it is hoped that these proposals will immediately be grouped based on the activities of responsibility of each ministry and convey as complete information as possible regarding the targets, goals and progress as well as the expected Central Government support. Likewise, the Minister of BPPN/Bappenas welcomed the breakthrough efforts made by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government. It was stated that the program would immediately be followed up with the relevant ministry to ensure whether the proposal was in accordance with the Government Work Plan (RKP). Regarding the certainty of the realization of the allocation of SILPA funds for this proposal, it is the President's authority whether the Central Government will program the 2012 Revised APBN so that the proposal can be discussed by the Budget Committee.
Specifically it was mentioned regarding the construction of the Balang Island Bridge, that the program has been included in the Bappenas Blue Book for 2010-2014 but funding The development allocation plan through Loan China is still in the process of being approved by the Minister of Finance which is currently in the negotiation stage. Meanwhile, for the construction of the New Samarinda Airport, it was explained that the Central Government is ready to synergize for budget allocations, but it is hoped that the Provincial Government can find solutions to resolve current problems. The construction of the Balikpapan - Samarinda Toll Road is also a serious concern, conveyed by the Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure that he will carry out an evaluation regarding government investment which may be increased to further accelerate its development by investors through APBN funds. (Data source: Regional Development Infrastructure Sector of East Kalimantan Bappeda and informed by Sukandar, S.Sos/Public Relations of East Kalimantan BAPPEDA).