Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Seminar on State Capital Transfer: From the preparation of local governments to community revenue
Samarinda, 01/14/2020. "Do not let the native of East Kalimantan only become spectators when the country's capital moves to East Kalimantan," ordered from Plt. East Kalimantan Province Secretary, Ir. Muhammad Sabani, M.Sc, when opening a seminar with the theme of State Capital Transfer: from the preparation of the local government to the revenue of the community that took place in the Ruhui Rahayu room, the East Kalimantan Provincial Governor's Office.
This seminar was held by the Awang Long Samarinda College of Law together with the Indonesian Legal Doctoral Association (ADHI), presenting speakers from the East Kalimantan Regional Government represented by Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, then from The Indonesian Legal Science Doctoral Association, and the Chairperson of the Awang Long Samarinda College of Law was attended by participants from university representatives in East Kalimantan, academic activists and the Indonesian Legal Doctoral Association (ADHI).
On this occasion, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda represented by the Head of Transportation Infrastructure, Akhmad Muzakkir, ST, M.Si explained a number of things related to the preparation of the local government to welcome the movement of the State Capital (IKN ), including the East Kalimantan Provincial Policy on the plan to move the IKN where the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan, Regional Heads (Regents and Mayors), Community Leaders, Traditional Leaders and Some Stakeholders fully support the transfer of state capitals to East Kalimantan, including the support of infrastructure supporting IKN through East Kalimantan 2030 vision that has been built includes toll roads that have connected 2 (two) PKN Balikpapan and PKN Samarinda, airports and ports. Furthermore, in other presentations also conveyed the readiness of priority infrastructure, the concept of new IKN development, synchronization of the IKN plan for regional development planning documents, financing schemes, acceleration of legal/legal aspects of the IKN transfer plan and synchronization expectations & institutional aspects of IKN transfer. The main points in the presentation delivered are the juridical aspects where there is no law that passed or stated that the state capital will be moved to the province of East Kalimantan.
Next, the resource person from the Indonesian Legal Doctoral Association represented by Dr. Jawade Hafidz, S.H., M.H as Secretary General of the Indonesian Legal Doctoral Association in his presentation entitled Problematics Transfer of State Capital, there are three main problems in the transfer of state capitals to East Kalimantan, namely from the juridical, sociological and political aspects, which according to him in the juridical aspect of the need for the need Legal umbrella for the transfer of the state capital in the form of a law, then the sociological aspect is related to the readiness of the local community with the activity of moving the state capital and the political aspects both local and national which raises the question whether the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD has a decision to agree or not regarding the transfer of Capital City because it is related to synchronization between regional and central decisions.
Apart from the Central Adhi and the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan, this seminar also presented speakers from the Chairman of the East Kalimantan ADHI DPD, Bela Indi Sulistio who explained the laws of moving the country's capital who came from the Chairman of the College of Law (STIH) Awang Long Samarinda, Dr. H. Husni Thamrin, S.H., M.H who carries the exposure of the transfer of the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia from the study of economic law.