
Wednesday, 22 February 2023



799 times seen

Coaching Clinic Clinic Application Sidik and Pawn

Samarinda (02/21/2023) PPID Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the Coaching Clinic Coaching Application Sidik (Integration System for the Public Information List) and Pinan (Online Information Request) at the Provincial Communication and Information Office. Kaltim.


Pawn application is present so that information can be accessed via the internet directly by the public. By using a valid NIK/NIK or an organizational deed file so that information can be accessed. Information data will be provided by the regional apparatus concerned by Diskominfo Kaltim as an admin validator


for data that is already available in Sidata owned by Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan and Sidik, the related agencies can embed links on the form.



#CoachingClinicaplikasisuda andPion