
Monday, 13 March 2023



830 times seen

Sectoral Statistics Coaching Metadata

Balikpapan, (07/03/2023). Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan was represented by PPEPD staff as one data operator following the sectoral statistical metadata coaching at the Grand Jatra Hotel Balikpapan.


The event carried out by the Communication and Information Office was opened by the Head of Statistics Representing the Head of the Diskominfo Office Mr. H. M. Adrie Dirga Sagita, S. Sos., M.Sc


The activities held for 3 days were attended by participants from the Regional Apparatus of the Prov. East Kalimantan including Inspectorate, Economic Bureau, Organizational Bureau, BPKAD, Regional Revenue Agency, Library and Archives Service, National Unity and Political Agency, Youth and Sports Office, Disnakertrans, Animal Husbandry and Health Office, Forestry Service, DPMPD, and Education and Culture Office.


Some of the discussions include the stages of sectoral statistical activities survey and statistical metadata, compromin and statistical metadata of compromin, variable metadata, and metadata indicators. This Coaching Clinic also focuses on filling the Statistical Data Recommendations on the Romantic portal managed by BPS East Kalimantan


