
Monday, 13 March 2023



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Desk RakortekRenbang

Samarinda, (08/03/2023). Plt. Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan was accompanied by the Head of PPEPD, Head of the Regional Infrastructure Division, Head of Government and Human Development, and the Head of Economics and Natural Resources Following the Rakortekrenbang Desk in online in the GSCC meeting room of the Bappeda Prov. Kaltim.


The meeting organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs lasted for 9 days from February 28 to March 10, 2023. Quoted from the Rakortekrenbang page was carried out in order to identify and ensure regional support in achieving development targets that are national priorities and realize better development, harmonious, harmonious and synchronous.


Technically, Discussion on the Substance of the Discussion of the Regional Desk involving Bappenas, Ministry and Institutions, Sub. Directorate of Regional Development Development.


Discussion of the territorial desk includes two discussions, first the discussion of the regional macro indicator target in 2024 which includes the rate of economic growth, poverty level, open unemployment, human development index and this ratio. Second discussion of regional proposals.


In the discussion of the macro indicator target, the Head of PPEPD conveyed that of five macro indicators three of them set a more pessimistic target than the national target, namely economic growth, gini ratio and poverty rate. This is due to considering various things including paying attention to achievements in the previous year.


In the discussion of regional proposals, there are 20 project proposals. Prov. East Kalimantan which is the central authority. The results of the agreement on the discussion of the proposal are 4 Incomodir, 1 proposal is rejected, and 15 other proposals are discussed further.


#planning for the development of Kaltim 2023
