The working visit of the Governor of East Kalimantan to East Kutai Regency
24-27 June 2021, Kunker second location to the center of integrated cattle farm (rapid), Sangatta, Kab. East Kutai. At this location, the Governor was accompanied by the Deputy Governor, Head of Bappeda, and the Head of OPD related to:
- Cattle Review.
- Drinking fresh cow's milk together.
- milking cow's milk.
Kunker third location to Kabo Jaya Climate Village, Swarga Bara Village, Kec. North Sangatta, Kab. East Kutai. At this location, the Governor was accompanied by the Deputy Governor, Head of Bappeda, and the Head of OPD related to:
- Inauguration of the Yandu Porodisa Post.
- Inauguration of the Green House Pranaraksa Center.
- Audience with the community and PT. Pama.
- Delivery of assistance to fishermen in the form of: Slinger (Slinger), Fry, Seaweed Seed
- UMKM Review.
- planting rare fruit trees.
Kunker fourth location to PT. Tapian Nadenggan/PT. Sinar Mas in Muara Wahau, Kab. East Kutai. At this location, the Governor was accompanied by the Deputy Governor, Head of Bappeda, and the Head of OPD related to:
- General Plantation Review.
- Eka Tjipta Jak Luay Middle School Review 1.
- Signing of School Inscriptions built by the Company.