Receive East Kalimantan Attorney General's visit
Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province received a visit from the East Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office in the East Kalimantan Bappeda Renja Meeting Room, Tuesday (07/03/2023).
The elements present from the East Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office consist of the Head of the Strategic Development Project of the East Kalimantan Attorney General's Office (Mr. Adief Suwandaru) accompanied by the Head of Social Culture (Mr. Gede Eka Sumahendra) along with the staff and received by the Head of Government and Human Development of the Kaltim (Mr. Mispoyo) representing PLT. The Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda and accompanied by the Head of PPEPD, Economy and SDA, as well as the functional planner of young experts in the East Kalimantan Bappeda environment.
The purpose of the visit is to coordinate related to strategic projects in East Kalimantan Province in an effort to establish synergy with related stakeholders to provide assistance and security so that the strategic project can be carried out well in accordance with the development planning carried out.
In response to this matter, Head of PPEPD Bappeda Kaltim, Mr. Alfino Rinaldi Arief conveyed information related to the recapitulation of priority spending in 2023 in East Kalimantan whose implementation was in the technical regional apparatus in East Kalimantan Province, both related to education, plantation, agriculture, infrastructure, etc.
Furthermore, the Head of Government and Human Development, Mr. Mispoyo said that the East Kalimantan Bappeda will coordinate with other technical stakeholders and will immediately follow up and submit in writing related to information on strategic projects in East Kalimantan Province in the synergy effort.